HomeCitrixIntroduction to Citrix and Interview questions

Introduction to Citrix and Interview questions

1. Which all Citrix products you are working on?
2. What are your job roles and responsibilities?
3. What all configuration you need to make for a TD to boot from a vDisk image?
4. In PVS, suppose the TD is rebooting frequently, how will you troubleshoot?
5. In PVS, when a TD reboots, what are things happening in the background?
6. Are you aware of STA?
7. What is STA?
8. In XenApp, say many users are facing problems of accessing the application. When they click on
the icon, they see the “Protocol Driver Error”. What is the cause of the problem? How will you
9. Say users are facing some problems because of a XenApp server. How will you find out which
server has the problem?
10. In Licensing, suppose a user is accessing an application, how does the licensing procedure
happens in the background? Through which port the user license is checked?
11. If there is a licensing problem, what value of farm-load will you see?
12. What is merchandizing server?
13. What is the importance of Zone?
14. Say you have 100 XenApp Servers in different geographical locations. How will you direct users
to the XenApp servers closest to their current location?
15. What is session sharing? How will you do it?
16. Say a user has a session running in 1 device. Can he run another session simultaneously from
another device?
17. Say a user has 2 applications hosted from 2 different XA servers. Will they have same or
different Session IDs?
18. How will you know that there is an IMA issue if applications are not delivering?
19. If IMA has not started, what value of farm-load will you see?
20. Do you have work experience on NetScaler?

1. What is windows print server?
A print server is a software application, network device or computer that manages print requests and makes printer queue status information available to end users and network administrators. Print servers are used in both large enterprise and small or home office (SOHO ) networks.
2. How does a window print server work?
3. What is print spooling?
Spooling is the process of sending data to a spool. A spool can be a printer spool (the memory of the printer) or a document saved on the disk of a printer server, before being sent to the printer. Print jobs can be spooled either remotely or locally. Typically, print jobs sent to Locally attached printers are spooled locally, and jobs sent to network printers are spooled remotely. Where print jobs are spooled is where print jobs are processed. The processing location can generate or reduce the network traffic and affect the time of processing and resources used on the device machine or print server. The Windows machine processes the job when print jobs are spooled locally. The Application creates a spooled print job. The local print spooler uses the printer driver to process the print job and sends the print job to the printing device (the physical
Printer). In a Windows environment, printer drivers and settings are stored on the client machine itself.
4. What is windows universal print driver?

5. What is a XPS and EMF print drivers?
Citrix Universal XPS Printer driver
This driver is based on the Windows XML Paper Specification (XPS) printing technology introduced in Windows Server 2008. Windows XPS printing technology uses XML to create a platform-independent “electronic paper” similar to Adobe’s PDF format.
The XPS format is a device-independent XML-based spool file format that provides a compressed XML description of a page’s graphic elements. Printing devices can use XPS-formatted print jobs directly without translation.
The Citrix Universal XPS Printer driver creates the XPS print job using the Microsoft XPS printer driver on the client device. The Citrix Universal XPS Printer driver obtains printing device-specific information from the client device.
Provided your farm servers are running XenApp 5.0 and your client devices have .NET 3.0 installed on them, which comes with Windows Vista, you can use the Citrix Universal XPS Printer driver.
Citrix Universal Printer driver
This driver uses Windows’ Enhanced Metafile Format (EMF) technology. EMF is a device-independent format for capturing the graphical elements printed on each page of a print job. A client-side renderer uses EMF and provides a substantial reduction in the processing time of Citrix Universal print jobs on the client.

6. RDP v/s Xenapp?
Windows Terminal Services (or Remote Desktop Services) is a feature of Windows 2003/2008 which allows multiple ‘sessions’ to be brokered to each enabled server, each running a server desktop or embedded application.
Citrix XenApp is layered on top of Terminal Services (2003) or the RDS role (2008) and extend the functionality of this ‘session based’ access. Additional features such as ICA and it’s HDX feature set which provide better application performance for interactive, graphical and WAN based applications, resource metric based load balancing, centralized administration, geographically dispersed ‘terminal server farm’ design options, application publishing (individual apps as opposed to an app embedded in a desktop session), and a rich set of clients for Windows, MAC, Linux, iOS and many other OS platforms to mention just a few of Xenapp’s capabilities.
7. How is xenapp architecture?
–XenApp Servers (Application Servers / Data Collectors)
–Web Interface / Secure Gateway / NetScaler
–License Server
–Provisioning Services
•Data Collector
•Data Store / Local Host Cache
•Hosted Applications / Streamed Applications
•Worker Groups

8. What is the difference b/w data store and DC?
Data Store
The data store is the database where servers stores farm static information, such as configuration information about published applications. Each server, printers and servers farm has a single data store.
The Data Store database maintains farm data, including:
Farm configuration information
Published application configurations
Server configurations
Farm management security
Printer configurations
License Server name and port
Data Collector
A data collector is a server that hosts an in-memory database that maintains dynamic information about the servers in the zone, such as server loads, session status, published applications; users connected, and license usage. Data collectors receive incremental data updates and queries from servers within the zone. Data collectors relay information to all other data collectors in the farm.
In large XenApp server farm environments, it is a good idea to have a dedicated server and restrict it from delivering applications. A dedicated data collector improves load balancing decisions and reduces session logon time.
9. What is the function of XML broker or XML service?
A service that provides an HTTP interface to the web browser. It uses TCP packets instead of UDP, which allows connections to work across most firewalls. The default port for the Citrix XML Service is 80.

10. What is a Farm?
XenApp server farm is a logical collection or group of XenApp servers that can be managed as a single entity. Usually, Citrix define three types of farms:
Design validation farm: Design validation farm is set up in a laboratory, typically as the design or blueprint for the production farm. Usually, the preferred method to build a design validation farm today is using virtual machines.
Pilot farm: Pilot farm is a preproduction farm used to test a farm design and applications before deploying the farm across the company. The pilot must include users from the entire organization and role. These users should access the farm for their everyday needs.
Production farm: Production farm is in regular use and accessed by all users in the organization.

11. What is a Zone?
Zones are used to control the aggregation and replication of data in the farm. A farm should be divided into zones based upon the network topology, where major geographic regions are assigned to separate zones. Each zone elects a data collector, which aggregates dynamic data from the servers in its zone and replicates the data to the data collectors in the other zones.

12. What are your job roles and responsibilities?
⦁ Perform advanced issue analysis and resolution
⦁ Perform maintenance and environment upgrades
⦁ Addressing high severity issues and service outages
⦁ Manage the Citrix environment
⦁ Manage network and storage infrastructure as it relates to the Citrix environment
⦁ Review periodic reports of server health, resource usage, user experience, and overall environment performance
⦁ Review vendor knowledge base articles and newly released updates
⦁ Perform policy-level changes and make Active Directory updates
⦁ Review change control requests that impact the Citrix environment
⦁ Perform advanced server and infrastructure maintenance

13. Which version of xenapp you have worked?
Citrix presentation server 4.5/5.0, XenApp 6.0/6.5
14. How to install xenapp?
XenApp uses roles for XenApp features and related technologies. The wizard-based XenApp Server Role Manager uses the Server Role Installer to help you add certain XenApp roles. It detects the deployment phase for each role and displays the next task required to complete the installation and configuration of that role. From the XenApp Server Role Manager, you can:
⦁ Install role prerequisites
⦁ Install fully-integrated server roles (such as XenApp, Citrix licensing, Single sign-on service, and Provisioning Server)
⦁ Launch installers for partially-integrated roles (such as Power and Capacity Management Administration, SmartAuditor Server, EdgeSight Server)
⦁ Launch the Citrix License Configuration Tool to configure the XenApp role license parameters (mode, server, and port)
⦁ Launch the XenApp Server Configuration Tool to configure the XenApp server role
⦁ Launch configuration tools for other roles
⦁ Initiate a XenApp server restart (reboot)
⦁ Remove a server from a farm
⦁ Prepare a server for imaging and provisioning
⦁ Remove fully-integrated XenApp 6.5 roles and components
⦁ Upgrade roles (other than the XenApp server role) in XenApp 6 deployments
15. What are the different ports and their numbers?
⦁ TCP 1494– ICA Protocol
⦁ TCP 2598– ICA with Session Reliability
⦁ TCP 2512– IMA Communication
⦁ TCP 2513– XenApp Advanced Console
⦁ UDP 1604– TCP Browsing
⦁ TCP 80 – XML Service Port
⦁ TCP 443 – SSL Communications
⦁ TCP 8082 – License Management Console
⦁ TCP 27000 – License Port
⦁ TCP 3389 – RDP Port
⦁ TCP 1433 – Default SQL Port
⦁ TCP 389 – Active Directory
⦁ TCP 7279 – Vendor daemon license Port
16. What is application enumeration process?
⦁ A user launches a Web browser then connects to Web Interface.
⦁ The Web Interface returns the logon page.
⦁ The user types in credentials.
⦁ The user’s credentials are forwarded from XML then to IMA service in HTTP (or HTTPS) form.
⦁ The IMA then forwards them to local Lsass.exe.
⦁ The Lsass.exe encrypts the credentials then passes them to the domain controller.
⦁ The domain controller returns the SIDs (user’s SID and the list of group SIDs) back to Lsass.exe and to IMA.
⦁ IMA used the SIDs to search the Local Host Cache (LHC) for a list of applications and the Worker Group Preference policy for that authenticated user.
⦁ The lists of the applications together with the user’s worker group preference policy are returned to the Web Interface.
⦁ The Web Interface returns the web page to the web browser. (This completes the application enumeration process).
17. What if data store goes down?
The farm remains up and the issue is transparent to the users. The administrators will have issues managing the farm, including an inability to open management tools. No changes to the farm can be made with the Database in the down state (it is the only read/write copy of the farm configuration).
Initially users will connect to the resources for 30 days? 
Data store can be created by the *. Mbd file which is located at program files/ citrix/independent Archetecture Management . This file can be moved to another server and the data base connectivity and be created using ODBC and creating a *.dsn file.
18. What if license server goes down?
If Citrix License servers goes down. Citrix application will work until 60 days of basic grace period of the Citrix License server . After 60 days farm cant aenble to server an apps to Citrix xenapp users.
19. What if data collector goes down?
When a communication failure occurs between a member server and the data collector for its zone or between data collectors, the election process begins in the zone. Here are some examples of how ZDC elections can be triggered and a high level of summary of the election process. A detailed description of this process and the associated functions used is further below in this document.
1. The existing data collector for Zone 1 has an unplanned failure for some reason, that is, a RAID controller fails causing the server to blue screen. If the server is shutdown gracefully, it triggers the election process before going down.
2. The servers in the zone recognize the data collector has gone down and start the election process.
3. The member servers in the zone then send all of their information to the new data collector for the zone. This is a function of the number each server has of sessions, disconnected session and applications.
4. In turn the new data collector replicates this information to all other data collectors in the farm
Important: The data collector election process is not dependent on the data store.
Note: If the data collector goes down, sessions connected to other servers in the farm are unaffected.
Misconception: “If a data collector goes down, there is a single point of failure.”
Actual: The data collector election process is triggered automatically without administrative intervention. Existing as well as incoming users are not affected by the election process, as a new data collector is elected almost instantaneously. Data collector elections are not dependent on the data store.
20. What happens in DC Election?
A collector stores information about servers and published applications inside a group and acts as a gateway between data collectors in other groups. In large XenApp server farm environments, it is a good idea to have a dedicated server and restrict it from delivering applications. A dedicated data collector improves load balancing decisions and reduces session logon time.
If data collector is unavailable an election occurs and another server in the zone takes over the role of the data collector
Election ranking
⦁ most preferred
⦁ preferred
⦁ default preferred
⦁ not preferred
21. What is XML service role?
Xml service is responsible for contact between web interface and data collector.
22. What if web interface is not available?
23. What are the types of websites in Web Interface?
XenApp Web Sites
XenApp Services Sites

24. What are types of authentications and authentication points?
Methods of authentications
⦁ Explicit
⦁ Pass through
⦁ Pass through with smart card
⦁ Smart card
⦁ Anonymous
Explicit: (XenApp websites) or Prompt (XenApp services sites): Users need to log in using a username and a password. Authentication options are User Principal Name (UPN), Microsoft domain-based authentication, and Novell Directory Services (NDS).
Pass-through: Users can authenticate using the credentials they provided when they logged on to their Windows desktop machines. The Citrix client sends their credentials to the Web Interface server and their resource set appears automatically.
Pass-through with smart card: Users are authenticated by inserting a smart card in a smart card reader attached to the user desktop machine or mobile device. If users have installed the Citrix Online Plug-in, they are prompted for their smart card PIN when they log on to the user device. After logging in, users can access their resources without additional logon prompts. Users accessing XenApp websites are not asked for a PIN.
Smart card: Users use a smart card to authenticate. The user is asked for the smart card PIN.
Anonymous: Anonymous users can log on without providing a username and password and access resources published only for anonymous users.

Authentication points
⦁ At web interface
⦁ At Microsoft ADFS (Active Directory Federation Services) account patterns
⦁ At access gate way
⦁ At third party using kerberous
⦁ At web servers
25. How can we add backup XML service?

26. What is LHC?
Each XenApp server stores a subset of the data store in the Local Host Cache (LHC). The LHC performs two primary functions:
• Permits a server to function in the absence of a connection to the data store.
• Improves performance by caching information used by ICA Clients for enumeration and application resolution.
The LHC is an Access database, Imalhc.mdb, stored, by default, in the \Citrix\Independent Management Architecture folder.
The following information is contained in the local host cache:
• All servers in the farm, and their basic information.
• All applications published within the farm and their properties.
• All Windows network domain trust relationships within the farm.
• All information specific to itself. (Product code, SNMP settings, licensing information)
On the first startup of the member server, the LHC is populated with a subset of information from the data store. From then on, the IMA service is responsible for keeping the LHC synchronized with the data store. The IMA service performs this task through change notifications and periodic polling of the data store.
If the data store is unreachable, the LHC contains enough information about the farm to allow normal operations for an indefinite period of time, if necessary. However, no new static information can be published, or added to the farm, until the farm data store is reachable and operational again

27. What is meant by session reliability?
If we connected to an ICA session and it have been disconnected due to network connection. Once if we retain the network the user will get the disconnected session with in 3 minutes which can be configurable.
28. What is meant by Keep alive?
Enabling the ICA keep alive feature prevents broken connections from being disconnected. When we enable it, if XenApp notices no activity (for example, no clock change, no mouse movement, no screen updates), this feature prevents Remote Desktop Services from disconnecting that session. XenApp sends keep-alive packets every few seconds to detect if the session is active. If the session is no longer active,
XenApp marks the session as disconnected.
The ICA keep alive feature does not work if we are using Session Reliability. Session Reliability has its own mechanisms to handle this issue. We need to configure only ICA keep-alive for connections that do not use Session Reliability.
29. What is the durability of session reliability?
The Session reliability timeout setting has a default of 180 seconds, or 3 minutes.
This is the time allowed before the session is disconnected. If we do not want users to be able to reconnect to the interrupted sessions without having to re-authenticate, we can use the Auto client reconnect feature.
If we use both Session Reliability and Auto Client Reconnect, the two features work in sequence.
30. What is application streaming?
Application streaming simplifies application delivery to users by virtualizing applications on client machines. We can install and configure an application centrally and deliver it to any XenApp server or client machine on demand. One of the major features of application streaming is the ability to run multiple sessions of an application on the same client, for example, we can run Office 2007 and Office 2010
on the same client machine.
31. How is stream to server?
While using the “Streamed if possible, otherwise access from server” delivery method with the “Streamed to server” application type will stream applications to servers, XenApp will first try to stream the application to the client device. If the offline plug-in is installed on the client device and the published application is accessed through a Web Interface site or the plug-in installed on the client device, the application will stream to the client device rather than to the server.
32. What are the advantages of application streaming?
1. The ability to install an application once on a profiler workstation and copy and replicate to fileservers within the company.
2. Use of streamed applications reduces patching complexity in large environments.
3. Updates to a streamed application don’t require re-profiling applications.
4. All streamed applications run within isolated environments that keep the applications from interfering with others running on the same client machine.
5. Application files can be cached on the client machine to allow faster access the next time the application is launched.
6. A wide range of target environments can host streamed applications. Specifically, supported versions include Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 and 2008, Windows Vista, and Windows 7.
7. We can configure XenApp to stream software to client machines or run the application on the client machine from a XenApp server.
8. Streamed applications that can be accessed through the server appear next to other applications that the user is familiar with, either within the web interface, Citrix Plugins, or on the desktop; thus giving a consistent end-user experience. The user does not have to know where and how the application
is executing.
9. When a streamed application is configured and delivered, applications can be accessed even when the user is offline. The only requirement is the Citrix Offline Plug-in is installed on the client machine.
10. Streamed applications can easily be delivered to a XenApp farm.When publishing applications in a server farm, choose to virtualize applications from XenApp. Instead of installing applications on our farm servers, we can stream them to XenApp from a central file share in our App Hub. Update the
application in the central location and we update the application on all the farm servers.
11. Streamed applications allow easy disaster recovery because the application and data are not lost if the profiles can be easily backed up, and servers and client machines can be replaced easily.

33. Does plug-in required for streaming?
The plug-in that our users must install on their client machines are determined by the method of streaming
1. Streamed to client desktops: When streaming applications directly to client desktops and the application files are cached locally and the applications run using the resources of the client machine.
We need to install both Citrix Online and Offline Plug-ins on client machines:
CitrixOnlinePluginFull.exe and CitrixOfflinePlugin.exe.
This enables us to:
Provide dual-mode streaming. When we select Streamed if possible, otherwise accessed from a server and Streamed to server, if streaming to the client machine fails, applications automatically stream to a XenApp server and then launch using the online plug-in. Enumerate published applications located on the Start menu and create shortcuts on the desktop of the client machine. Configure applications and users for offline access. This is because the entire application is fully cached on the client machine. Users can use the application for the time specified in the offline license, even if they are disconnected from the network.
Accessed from a server:
The profile is streamed from the App Hub to the XenApp server, where the Citrix Offline Plug-in is installed by default. The Offline Plug-in is not required on the client machine and the application runs on the client machine using the Online Plug-in or Web Plug-in. When we publish applications as Accessed from a server and Streamed to server, users will access the applications using the Citrix Online Plug-in or
Web Plug-in. This method does not support desktop integration or offline access to applications.
We have two versions of Citrix Online Plug-in: We need to install CitrixOnlinePluginFull.exe to stream applications to XenApp servers and launch them with the online plugin, or launch applications from a web interface site using a web browser. This file provides the full online plugin feature set. We need to install CitrixOnlinePluginWeb.exe to stream applications to XenApp servers and launch them from the Web Interface. This file provides a limited online plug-in.

34. What are streaming best practices?
35. What are different problems faced in streaming?

36. What are the limitations of streaming?
Applications that contain drivers, such as Adobe Acrobat
• Microsoft Internet Explorer
• 64-bit applications
• Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC)
• .NET Framework
37. What is windows isolation communication?
Windows service isolation for streamed applications: This new feature allows applications to install Windows services and they can be profiled and streamed. This new option increases the number of streamed applications supported. Applications like Microsoft Office 2010 or Adobe Creative Suite install a windows service. Now we can profile and stream them, and other applications, using the new service isolation technology.
38. What is inter-isolation?
Citrix defines inter-isolation communication as a feature that links individual profiles, so applications in separate profiles can communicate with each other when they are launched on the client machine. Also, this feature can be used if a streamed application fails because it needs data from another streamed application, but cannot detect it because both are running in isolation environments. When we create a profile enabled for inter-isolation communication, applications launched on the client machine can interact with other applications, but applications stay isolated from the system and from other isolated applications

39. What is dependent, associated, linked profile?

40. What are databases?
41. What is environment in xenapp 4.5 and 5?
42. What are the new features in xenapp 6and 6.5?
ProvisioningServices √
Smart Access √
HDX Broadcast / Branch Repeater √
EdgeSight √
Single sign-on √
Smart Auditor √

43. How to apply hot fixes?
Using Citrix Delivery Services Console, we can set up and monitor servers, server farms, published resources and sessions, configure policies, printers, and application access. We can manage load balancing, troubleshoot alerts, diagnose problems in our farms, view hot fix information for our Citrix products, and track administrative changes.
44. How do you install applications in xenapp environment?
45. What is printing environment? And what is the troubleshooting?
46. What is group policy integration?
1. XenApp integrates with the Microsoft Group Policy engine, allowing organizations to leverage their Active Directory structure and Group Policy management tools to create and apply Citrix policies.
2. Citrix policies are configured within Group Policy Objects (GPOs) using the Group Policy Management Console (GPMC) and linked to Active Directory domains, organizational units (OUs) and sites. The policy settings within those GPOs will apply to all objects within that OU regardless of XenApp farm membership. Objects added to the OU will have those policy settings applied automatically.
3. Group Policy integration does not require changes to the Active Directory schema.
Group Policy Integration Benefits
Group policy integration also allows organizations to leverage the Group Policy management
features for their XenApp environment. For example, the GPMC allows administrators to:
• Backup and restore policies
• Migrate policies from one domain to another
• View the resultant set of policies for a server, user or session
• Perform modeling by retrieving policy reports for any user connection scenario
• Create Active Directory delegated administration for Citrix settings and policies

Administrators with access to the Advanced Group Policy Manager (AGPM) can perform the
following additional tasks:
• Create granular delegated administrators and role-based administration
• Manage the Active Directory Group Policy change control process
• Edit GPOs offline
• Enable audit logging and create policy differencing reports
• Recover deleted GPOs and repair live GPOs
• Enable email notification for GPO changes
• Track version changes, capture history and quickly roll back deployed changes
48. Which has high priority citrix policy or AD policy?
AD /citrix/local
49. What are universal printing solutions?
Citrix Universal Printer Drivers and printers are printing solutions that allow users to print regardless of whether the correct printer drivers and printers are installed.
There are several different universal printing solutions.
An administrator can configure at the beginning of each session, a device-specific printer is auto-created using the Citrix Universal Printer Driver Citrix Universal Printer Driver (EMF-based). For example, the LaserJet5L printer is auto-created and uses the Citrix Universal Printer Driver (EMF-based) to communicate with the printer driver on the client device. The print job is processed on the client device. This is the default
universal printer driver. At the beginning of each session, a device-specific printer is auto-created using the Citrix XPS Universal Printer Driver. For Citrix XPS Universal Printer Driver example, the LaserJet5L printer is auto-created and uses the Citrix XPS Universal Printer Driver to communicate with the printer driver on the client device. The print job is processed on the client device. At the beginning of each session, a Citrix Universal Printer is auto-created using a Citrix Universal Printer Driver. The session Citrix Universal Printer with a Citrix Universal Printer uses the Citrix Universal Printer Driver to communicate with the Driver printer driver on the client device. The print job is processed on the client device. For more information about this printer, see the Citrix Universal Printer topic later in this module

50. What are troubleshooting steps if application is delivered to the end user?
51. What are troubleshooting steps if applications were delivered before but the very next day they are not getting delivered?
52.A user has 5 applications out of which one application is not getting delivered. What are troubleshooting steps?
53. What are troubleshooting steps if application is getting delivered to user, but the session hangs for that application?
54. What are troubleshooting steps if user is complaining of poor logon time?
The first thing you should do is gather some information:
1. Check if all your users experience slow logins, or whether it is just one specific user.
2. Is this happening during certain hours of the day or all day?
3. If you have Citrix, does an RDC login have the same problem?
4. If it only affects a single user, I would start looking at the user profile to see if it is set as a roaming profile. If the profile is roaming, you could look at the size of the profile. To check a profile type (roaming, local, and mandatory) and size open the control panel, click on ‘System’ and the ‘Advanced Tab’, select ‘user profile’ and you will see the size listed for all profiles on the computer you are on. (You can also use triCerat free Profile Analysis found at http://www.tricerat.com/pat_dl. This tool will list all user profiles in your network and give you a good overview of their size, location and type.)
5. If the profile is large, that could be the cause of your slow login time. If so, see what in the profile is causing this. Is it a large file on the desktop or something similar? If you find anything, try to move that file out of the profile and see if this speeds up login (also consider using folder redirection to place those large files on the network instead of within your roaming profile, http://www.tricerat.com/blog/222).
6. If the profile is small and it is still taking a long login time I would consider turning on logging of the user environment load. This log can show you in detail what happens during login, what file is taking long time to load, if DNS/WINS is slow or if your Group Policy loading is preventing the user to login fast and easy. This article tells you how to enable this: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/221833
7. Login scripts may also be a cause of slow logins. I have been in contact with many companies over the years that do everything with login scripts: map network drives, assign printers, create registry keys, copy files, and more. This is okay when everything is working, but it is a nightmare to troubleshoot. I was recently speaking to a Citrix Consulting Engineer that had been visiting a customer with five-minute login times per user. He did some troubleshooting and found that it was the login script that took five minutes to run! They decided to investigate what the script was doing and find out if there were any way they could make it more efficient. After they reviewed the script, it turned out it accomplished almost nothing! Having a complex login script also causes a single point of failure because if the admin that wrote the script decides to leave the company or worse, it can be very hard to get a grip on the script.
55. What are troubleshooting steps if auto creation of printer is not working?
To troubleshoot printer auto creation, follow these steps:

1. In Citrix Connection Configuration, double-click the ICA listener port, select the Client Settings button, and ensure Connect client printers at logon is selected. For Presentation Server 4.5 and later, configure these settings using the Terminal Services Configuration tool.
2. Ensure that the following check boxes are not selected under the Client Settings area:
• Disable Windows Client Printer Mapping
• Disable Client LPT Mapping
Both of these settings prevent client printers from being auto created on the system, and prohibit the client printer from being manually added during the session.
3. If Inherent User Config is selected in step 1, ensure that connect client printers at logon is selected in the User Config button for each user account within User Manager for Domains or the Environment tab within Active Directory Users and Computers/Computer Management-Local Users and Groups (for Active Directory 2000, 2003).
In Active Directory 2008, open the Server Manager utility and expand the Configuration node. From there you can manage your users and groups.
4. from the client machine:
a. Make a custom ICA connection directly to the server desktop and log on.
b. Open the printer folder inside the ICA session.
c. Add Printer > Network printer and expand Client network.
d. Select Client printer and try to add.
e. The result may indicate:
• A suitable driver must be added.
• Access is denied (permissions issue).
• The printer is not seen under the client network (the printer must be defined in the local client print folder).
• If you cannot expand a Microsoft server with a shared printer (possibly an operating system/RPC issue).
• The “Could not connect to the printer” error message is received. Refer to CTX102808 – Error: Could not connect to the printer.
• The client network cannot be seen. Refer to CTX748796 – Users Unable to see the Client Network when in Print Manager or Connect to Printer.
5. Current Microsoft RDP clients allow for the creation of printers. While the RDP does not use the Citrix Client Network Service, as a test, log on with the RDP client. This might help in determining if there is an underlying operating system or permission issue.
6. Ensure the latest compatible driver for its operating system is installed on the client computer. On the Citrix server, install the latest compatible driver for the base operating system (Windows 2000 Server, Windows Server 2003, or Windows Server 2008). This is accomplished by installing a “phantom” printer on the server console. After the printer has been created it can be deleted from the print manager. The driver itself and registry references to the driver remain. You must verify what drivers have been installed on the server in step 7 below. In Windows 2000 Server, Windows Server 2003, and Windows Server 2008, right-click in the white space in the Printers folder, go to Server Properties, and select the Drivers tab.
A printer driver that is compatible with Windows 2000/2003/2008 is not necessarily compatible with the corresponding version of Terminal Server. Installing incompatible drivers might cause crashes (for example, see Microsoft TechNet articles Q191666 and Q249917 with respect to Lexmark drivers), spooler CPU spikes, hangs, print jobs failing to print, and auto created printers might fail to delete upon log off (one possible cause of this is the lack of an Auto created Printer definition inside the printer properties comment field).
7. Verify which drivers have been installed on your Citrix server by checking the following registry keys:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Environments\Windows NT x86\Drivers\Version-1 (Win Frame, NT 3.51)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Environments\Windows NT x86\Drivers\Version-2 (NT 4.0)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Environments\Windows NT x86\Drivers\Version-3 (Windows 2000 Server, or Windows Server 2003/2008)
Note: For 64-bit drivers, check the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Environments\Windows NT x64\Drivers\… key.
Also, the existence of the driver does not guarantee this process will work. The driver might be corrupted. If this is the case, complete the following procedure:
a. Remove the driver.
b. Restart the print services.
c. Add the driver again.
8. Verify that administrators can auto create client printers. If administrators can auto create and regular users cannot, confirm that users have at least Read, Write, and Execute permissions to the following files and directories:
Note: Auto creation of 32-bit client printers involves both the client and the server.
ICA Client printer auto creation happens during the logon process.
In MetaFrame for Terminal Server Edition, ctxlogon is called directly by win logon.
In XenApp 5.0 and Presentation Server for Windows 2000 Server and Windows Server 2003, ctxnotif.dll replaces Ctxlogon.exe and Ctxlogof.exe. Win logon, specifically cmstart.exe, calls ctxnotif.dll, which makes a function call to ctxlogon to create printer connections. It handles logon/logoff notifications for specific logon processing (for example, creating printer connections).
9. For MetaFrame 1.x on NT 4.0 Terminal Server Edition, ensure users have read (RX) rights to ctxlogon.exe and ctxlogoff.exe. By default, the Everyone group is configured for read permission during the installation of MetaFrame.
10. For Terminal Server 4.0 installations check to see if the following registry entry exists:
Key Name: Userinit
For Windows 2000 Server and Windows Server 2003/2008 Terminal Server installations, check to see if the following registry entry exists:
Key Name: AppSetup
Value: Cmstart.EXE
Note: Cmstart.exe is needed to ensure wfshell is running in a session. See CTX102634 – WFSHELL.exe crashes when attempting to auto create certain HP Print Drivers.
11. Since MetaFrame XP Service Pack 2/Feature Release 2, the behavior in which client side network printers are autocreated has changed. MetaFrame XP Service Pack 3/Feature Release 3 and later contains a check box in the Management Console, under Printer Node Properties, to toggle this behavior. For MetaFrame XP Service Pack 2/Feature Release 2, see if CTX101829 – Hotfix XE102W065 – For MetaFrame XP 1.0 for Windows 2000 Server – English and the corresponding registry change resolve the issue.
The hotfix introduces a registry switch so that you can toggle which functionality you want — direct connection to network printers from a Feature Release 2 server or the network printers created as client printers that print through the ICA client device.
Navigate to the following registry key:
Value Name: fCreateNetworkPrinter
Value Type: DWORD
Value: 1 (to have network printers created as client printers)
Value: 0 (to retain the Feature Release 2 behavior)
With this feature enabled, network printers are created as client printers in the ICA session.
For Presentation Server 3.0 and later, create a new policy and expand Printing > Client printers > print job routing. Enable it to select one of the following choices: Connect directly to network print server if possible or Always connect the printer indirectly as a client printer
12. See if any Citrix policies to disable printing have been set in the Management Console.
13. See if any Printer Compatibility Mappings or Driver Restrictions in the Citrix Management Console apply.
14. For MetaFrame XP Service Pack 3/Feature Release 3 on Windows 2003, verify that the Feature Release 3 licenses have been obtained from My Citrix, and they have been installed and activated.
From Hotfix XE103W2K3006:
In Windows Server 2003, client printers could not be autocreated without installing a Citrix Feature Release 3 license.
Terminal services in Windows Server 2003 were changed so that the printer virtual channel needed to be created in the system context. The MetaFrame server would not issue a printer auto creation command through the printer virtual channel.
This hot fix ensures that the printer virtual channel is created in the system context and a Feature Release 3 license is no longer required.
15. See if the following article applies:
CTX102580 – How to Disable Printing Through NFuse/Web Interface
16. Citrix bases its auto creation of printers on client name and printer driver name, so it is recommended that each client has a unique name. See CTX376489 – Clientnames Should Always Be Unique.
The algorithm used to create the printer name might cause an issue with some applications. The issue is often the length of the name. This issue can be reproduced outside of a Citrix environment by creating the equivalent name length for a Microsoft shared printer. The application might need to be changed with respect to the way it enumerates and uses printer APIs. See Microsoft TechNet article Q240082.
17. Hewlett-Packard has introduced a new architecture targeted for the home market called Print Performance Architecture (PPA). Microsoft is not supporting the PPA architecture on all of its operating systems; therefore PPA is not supported in a Citrix environment. Refer to the following:
• Microsoft article Q153958
• CTX110571 – HP Printers Supported in XenApp Environments
18. After verifying all of the above, if your printer still does not auto create, confirm that the driver names are identical on the client and the server. Sometimes driver names differ marginally from one operating system to another. In such an instance, you need to map the names correctly using the Driver Mapping tool within the management console (in Presentation Server and XenApp).
In MetaFrame 1.8, you must map the names correctly in the Ctxuprn.inf and Wtsuprn.inf files (these files reside in the %SystemRoot%\System32 folder). For the wtsuprn.inf file usage information and a sample file, reference CTX626451 – Sample WTSUPRN.INF File for Use in Autocreation of Client Printers.
Note: This is not supported in Presentation Server or XenApp.
In MetaFrame XP, you can use the Citrix Management Console or the QPrinter.exe command.
Printing Algorithm
The printing algorithm checks in this order:
1. # in wtsuprn.inf
2. in wtsuprn.inf
3. # in wtsprnt.inf
4. in wtsprnt.inf
5. # in wtsuprn.inf
6. in wtsuprn.inf
7. # in wtsprnt.inf
8. in wtsprnt.inf
9. in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Environments\Windows NT x86\Drivers\Version-2 and \Version-3
10. in ntprint.inf. If a match is found, the new name is substituted for the driver name when the printer creation is attempted.
The client printer mechanism checks the registry first. If the driver has been installed, the registry entry exists and the printer creates without a problem. If the registry entry does not exist for that particular driver, it looks in the ntprint.inf file to determine if the driver is available from the base server installation. If it is a known driver and the installation is available (through a CD or the network), the driver is silently installed on the machine and the printer creation goes forward.
11. When the UPD is selected, much depends on how the Printer Management settings are configured in the management console. With the default setting it creates the UPD after first attempting to create the printer using the native driver, following the above algorithm. This also occurs when using the management console to exclude drivers.
Process Overview
The process begins on the client side. The wfica32 calls the APIs locally to enumerate client printers and send the information to the server. These client printers might be defined locally on the client port or they can be network printers defined locally. The printer mapping file (wtsuprn.inf) is referenced to determine which driver is used to auto create the printer. The driver is then installed on the server if it is available to the operating system through the ntprint.inf file.
The timing of the printer auto creation depends on whether the user is connecting to a published application or directly to a server desktop.
If the user is connecting to a published application, the printer auto creation process is synchronous so that the application finds a default printer when it is executed. This is by design because some applications do not load if a default printer is not defined.
If the user is connecting to a server desktop, the printer is created asynchronously to increase logon speed.
The synchronous process can be enabled in MetaFrame XP and later within the individual application properties by clicking Client Options. Under the Printing section, select the Start this application without waiting for printers to be created check box.
56. What are troubleshooting steps if auto connection of files and folders not happening?
57. What are commands often used in citrix?
•ALTADDR –Specify alternate IP address to XAS
•APP –Runs application execution shell
•AUDITLOG –Generates server logon/logoff reports
•CHANGE CLIENT –Changes client device mappings
•CTXKEYTOOL -Generates farm key for IMA encryption
•CTXXMLSS –Changes Citrix XML port number
•DSCHECK –Validates farm data store integrity
•DSMAINT –Maintains farm data store
•ENABLELB –Enables load balancing for XAS that fail healthmonitoring tests
•ICAPORT –Configures ICA protocol port number
•IMAPORT –Configures IMA protocol port number
•Query –displays information about server farms, processes, ICA sessions and users

58. What are the licensing issues faced often?
Are the licensing services started?
•Are the ports correct? Have the ports been changed from defaults?
–TCP 27000 –default license port
–TCP 8082 –default License Management Console (LMMC) port
•Is the policy properly configured for the license server?
•Is the license server reading the license file correctly?
•Does the LMC show all the right licenses?
•Is the XAS configured with the right license edition?
•Do you have enough Citrix licenses?
•Do you have enough Microsoft RDS licenses?

59. What are troubleshooting steps if QFARM\LOAD is wrongly showing the result?
The qfarm /load Command Does Not Give any Output
Problem Definition
A customer reported that there was no output when using the qfarm /load command on a Presentation Server 4.5 farm with Hotfix Rollup pack 7. However, the customer received an output when using the other commands such as qfarm /online.

⦁ Presentation Server 4.5 with Hotfix Rollup Pack 7
⦁ Windows Server 2003 R2 SP2 64-bit
⦁ SQL 2005 Database Server
Troubleshooting Methodology
This command can be used from any server in the farm, so the Technical Support Engineers requested the customer to run this command from a server hosting published applications as well as the Zone Data Collector.
On both servers the qfarm /load command gave no results even after waiting for 5 minutes. However, the users in the farm did not report any problems about using the published applications or Desktops.
The qfarm /load command was not able to receiving any answer and was timing out.
The engineers identified that the database server hosting the DataStore was running with high CPU utilization for another database hosted on this server.
After the CPU utilization was back to normal the customer was able to get the output for the qfarm /load command.
⦁ Keep the Zone Data Collector and Desktop Delivery Controller free from running any published applications or Desktops. The server with the Data Collector requires high CPU to process all the information and requests from all the Presentation Servers in the zone or farm. Therefore, it is not recommended to run any published application or Desktop on the server.
⦁ It is good practice, to not use the database server hosting the Data Store for other databases. If you need to host any other databases on this SQL server, then ensure that the server can handle the load and is equipped with enough memory, disk space, and processing power to host all databases without resource issues.
60. How to know which is your Data Store machine?
Look for data store name REG key via
HKEY_LOCAL MACHINE_ _SOFTWARE_CITRIX_IMA, this should tell you were/ what DNS file your using navigated to the file and edit it with a note pad to see the server name and data base description your farm is using
61. How to troubleshoot if license service is not getting started?

62. What are troubleshooting steps if IMA service is not getting started?
1. Check whether MFCOM (Meta frame) is started
There can be a number of reasons why the IMA Service appears not to have started, including the following:
• IMA Service load time
• IMA Service subsystem
• Missing Temp directory
• Print spooler service
• ODBC configuration
• Roaming Profile
• Another server with an identical NetBIOS name on the same network
IMA Service Load Time
If the Service Control Manager reports that the IMA Service could not be started, but the service eventually starts, ignore the error message.
The Service Control Manager has a timeout of 6 minutes. The IMA Service can take longer than six minutes to start if the load on the database exceeds the capabilities of the database hardware or if the network has high-latency. If you feel that the service is merely hung (stuck in a “starting” state) you can terminate the ImaSrv.exe process in Task Manager and restart the Citrix Independent Management Architecture service as a test.
IMA Service Subsystem
Examine the following Windows Registry setting:
If there is no value specified in the Currently Loading Plug-in portion of the above Windows Registry entry, then either the IMA Service could not connect to the data store or the local host cache is missing or corrupt.
If a CurrentlyLoadingPlugin value is specified, the IMA Service made a connection to the data store and the value displayed is the name of the IMA Service subsystem that failed to load.
Missing Temp Directory
If administrators see an “IMA Service Failed” error message with an error code of 2147483649 when starting the server, the local system account might be missing a Temp directory which is required for the IMA Service to run.
To gain further insight into the situation, change the IMA Service startup account to the local administrator and restart the server. If the IMA Service is successful in starting under the local administrator’s account, then it is likely that a missing Temp directory for the local system account is causing the situation.
If the Temp directory is not present, then manually create one as \Temp. For example: 
Also, verify that the TMP and TEMP system environment variables point to the temporary directory. Restart the server to restart the IMA Service.
Print Spooler Service
When the server attempts to start the IMA Service, the “Setup Could Not Start The IMA Service” error message appears. This error shows that the IMA Service is not starting, possibly because the print spooler service is not running or was configured incorrectly. In addition, the following error messages appear in the Event Viewer:
• Failed to load plug-in MfPrintSs.dll with error 80000001h
• Failed to load initial plugging with error 80000001h
• The Independent Management Architecture service terminated with service-specific error
The error occurs because the print spooler service:
• Has stopped
• Is disabled
• Is not configured to run under the Local System Account
To correct this error, verify that the print spooler service was started in the context of system rather than in the context of a user. A print spooler service that is not running or has been configured incorrectly might cause the printing subsystem to fail to load.
To resolve the situation, stop and start the print spooler service, making sure that it is configured to run under the Local System Account. Then, try to start the IMA Service.
ODBC Configuration
1. Verify that the Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle server is online.
2. Verify the name of the DSN file that the IMA Service is using by looking at the following key in the WindowsRegistry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Citrix\IMA\DataSourceName.
3. Attempt to connect to the database using the DSN file with an ODBC test utility such as Oracle ODBC Test or SQL Server ODBC Test.
4. Verify that the correct user name and password are being used for database connectivity.
5. Change the user name and password using the DSMAINT CONFIG command, if needed using dsmaint config /user: username /pwd:password /dsn:dsnfilename
6. Enable ODBC Tracing for further troubleshooting.

Roaming Profile
When the server attempts to start the IMA Service, the “Setup Could Not Start The IMA Service” error message appears. In the event viewer you might see the following error: IMA_RESULT_INVALID_MESSAGE or other events related to the IMA Service not being able to start.
Verify the size of the roaming profile, especially if it is crossing a WAN. Also watch for error messages related to not being able to load the profile. Test with a local user profile or one that is smaller in size.
Another server with an identical NetBIOS name on the same network
Verify that there is not another server on the network with the same NetBIOS name on the network. If the CurrentlyLoadingPlugin has the ImaLicSs.dll listed, this might be an indication of this condition. Another symptom of ImaLicSs.dll
“106. The IMA Service failed to start because of license group corruption in the data store.
Note: This fix prevents corruption in the data store but it does not correct any corruption that may already exist. You need to check for corruptions present in the data store and correct them using the appropriate tools.
63. What are troubleshooting steps if delivery service console is not getting connected to xenapp?
64. How to enable configuration log in DB?
To enable the Configuration Logging feature:
⦁ Set up the Configuration Logging database
⦁ Define the Configuration Logging database access permissions
⦁ Configure the Configuration Logging database connection
⦁ Set the Configuration Logging properties
⦁ Delegate administrative permissions, as needed
The Configuration Logging feature, after it is properly enabled, runs in the background as administrative changes trigger entries in the Configuration Logging database. The only activities that are initiated by the user are generating reports, clearing the Configuration Logging database, and displaying the Configuration Logging properties.
To generate a configuration logging report, use the Power Shell command Get-CtxConfigurationLogReport. For more information, see help forGet-CtxConfigurationLogReport or Windows Power Shell with Common Commands.
65. What is the purpose of CTX key Tool?
CTXKEYTOOL -Generates farm key for IMA encryption
CTXXMLSS –Changes Citrix XML port number
66. How to upgrade/migrate your xenapp?
⦁ on a xenapp 6 server, install the xenapp migration tool(citrix.migration.install_X64.msi, including the option to set the powers hell execution policy to all signed)
⦁ on the xenapp 6 server, access the tool via the start>all programs>citrix> Migration tool or open power shell prompt and execute.
⦁ Import-Module Citrix.XenApp.migration (if power shell was lanched directly)
⦁ Set-ExecutionPolicy Remotesigned [if the execution policy option wasn’t selected during the installation].
⦁ Set-XAMigrationOption –RemoteServerName [server name(4.5)]
⦁ Add-XAServerMapping [ServerName] [Worker group name (give a folder name to create)]. To map a server in the legacy farm to worker group in the XeanApp 6 farm (a worker group will be created if it is not present).
⦁ Start-Migration to transfer all settings.
67. What is the purpose of installation manager?
Installation manger is a feature of cps, enterprise edition that allows you to rapidly deploy applications and software
Installation Manager
Installation Manger is a XenApp feature you can use to distribute hot fixes, patches, and file/registry updates. You can also use Installation Manager to distribute simple applications, but Citrix recommends using application streaming or App-V to manage applications. Additionally, you can use XenApp Connector for Configuration Manager 2007 R2 to install and publish applications to XenApp servers.
Use Installation Manager to:
⦁ Schedule the installation of MSI or MSP packages on target XenApp servers. You can also specify an MST (transform) file to change parameters in the MSI package.
⦁ Distribute XML files generated by Windows Task Scheduler to target XenApp servers.
⦁ Automate server restarts after installing an application on a target XenApp server, making the application and the server ready for use. You can also notify users of upcoming operations such as a server restart.
⦁ Associate a published application with a XenApp server.
⦁ View task status to see if it ran successfully on target XenApp servers.
You can use Installation Manager through a Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in, or by issuing custom Microsoft PowerShell cmdlets.
Installation Manager Components
An Installation Manager environment has the following components:
Component Description
Task management computer The computer where you manage task deployment.
File share Transfers and stores task files, including storing cache files containing previously scheduled tasks and results. For regional deployments, you may want to use multiple file shares.
Target servers The XenApp servers on which tasks are deployed.
The task management computer and the file share can be on separate computers or on one of the target servers.
68. What is proximity printing?
We can use the last option to present users with the nearest printer through profile settings (this functionality, known as Proximity Printing).
The proximity printing feature is based on the use of two Citrix policies: Session printer and Default printer. We can use the location of the client machine to assign the closer network printer.
Proximity printing requires that we filter the policy using a location setting like:
Network’s IP addresses, if they are related to user locations the name of the client machine, if the name relates to the location.
69. What is workspace control?
Smooth Roaming
This feature, also known as Workspace control, lets a user disconnect from one session, move to a different client machine, and reconnect to continue that same session. The printers assigned on the first client machine are replaced on the reconnection with printers appropriate for the second client machine.
70. What are the windows editions available? And which are supported?
72. Which databases are used in the environment?
Sql server 2008 r2
73. Which monitoring solutions are used in the environment?
74. What are the troubleshooting tools used in your environment?
75. What are the license server ports? And what is license vendor daemon?
License server port is used for communication of Xenapp server the default value is 27000
Vendor daemon port default 7279
License Management console 8082
76. What is RDS license?
Formerly known as terminal services, is one of the components of Microsoft windows that allow a user to access applications and data on a remote computer over a network. We need to install this component and appropriate license to setup and run Xenapp server. XenApp extended the functionality of M/s RDS adding flexibility, manageability, security and performance to RDS.

•RDS License Servility, manager
–Install and Activate Server
–1 RDS License Server Required
–Possible Install Servers: Domain Controller / Citrix License Server
•RDS Licenses (TSCALs)
•RD License Manager
•RD License Diagnosis Tool

77. What is xenapp license?

78. What is concurrent license?
XenApp uses concurrent user license which are license that are not tied to specific users. When a server requests a license, it is reserved for a specific client device/ user combination. When the user logs off from the session, the license is returned to the license pool and made available for another user. User connecting from multiple devices will consume multiple licenses.
79. What is the meaning of HTX and flex cache?

1. What is windows print server?
A print server is a software application, network device or computer that manages print requests and makes printer queue status information available to end users and network administrators. Print servers are used in both large enterprise and small or home office (SOHO ) networks.
2. How does a window print server work?
3. What is print spooling?
Spooling is the process of sending data to a spool. A spool can be a printer spool (the memory of the printer) or a document saved on the disk of a printer server, before being sent to the printer. Print jobs can be spooled either remotely or locally. Typically, print jobs sent to Locally attached printers are spooled locally, and jobs sent to network printers are spooled remotely. Where print jobs are spooled is where print jobs are processed. The processing location can generate or reduce the network traffic and affect the time of processing and resources used on the device machine or print server. The Windows machine processes the job when print jobs are spooled locally. The Application creates a spooled print job. The local print spooler uses the printer driver to process the print job and sends the print job to the printing device (the physical
Printer). In a Windows environment, printer drivers and settings are stored on the client machine itself.
4. What is windows universal print driver?

5. What is a XPS and EMF print drivers?
Citrix Universal XPS Printer driver
This driver is based on the Windows XML Paper Specification (XPS) printing technology introduced in Windows Server 2008. Windows XPS printing technology uses XML to create a platform-independent “electronic paper” similar to Adobe’s PDF format.
The XPS format is a device-independent XML-based spool file format that provides a compressed XML description of a page’s graphic elements. Printing devices can use XPS-formatted print jobs directly without translation.
The Citrix Universal XPS Printer driver creates the XPS print job using the Microsoft XPS printer driver on the client device. The Citrix Universal XPS Printer driver obtains printing device-specific information from the client device.
Provided your farm servers are running XenApp 5.0 and your client devices have .NET 3.0 installed on them, which comes with Windows Vista, you can use the Citrix Universal XPS Printer driver.
Citrix Universal Printer driver
This driver uses Windows’ Enhanced Metafile Format (EMF) technology. EMF is a device-independent format for capturing the graphical elements printed on each page of a print job. A client-side renderer uses EMF and provides a substantial reduction in the processing time of Citrix Universal print jobs on the client.

6. RDP v/s Xenapp?
Windows Terminal Services (or Remote Desktop Services) is a feature of Windows 2003/2008 which allows multiple ‘sessions’ to be brokered to each enabled server, each running a server desktop or embedded application.
Citrix XenApp is layered on top of Terminal Services (2003) or the RDS role (2008) and extend the functionality of this ‘session based’ access. Additional features such as ICA and it’s HDX feature set which provide better application performance for interactive, graphical and WAN based applications, resource metric based load balancing, centralized administration, geographically dispersed ‘terminal server farm’ design options, application publishing (individual apps as opposed to an app embedded in a desktop session), and a rich set of clients for Windows, MAC, Linux, iOS and many other OS platforms to mention just a few of Xenapp’s capabilities.
7. How is xenapp architecture?
–XenApp Servers (Application Servers / Data Collectors)
–Web Interface / Secure Gateway / NetScaler
–License Server
–Provisioning Services
•Data Collector
•Data Store / Local Host Cache
•Hosted Applications / Streamed Applications
•Worker Groups

8. What is the difference b/w data store and DC?
Data Store
The data store is the database where servers stores farm static information, such as configuration information about published applications. Each server, printers and servers farm has a single data store.
The Data Store database maintains farm data, including:
Farm configuration information
Published application configurations
Server configurations
Farm management security
Printer configurations
License Server name and port
Data Collector
A data collector is a server that hosts an in-memory database that maintains dynamic information about the servers in the zone, such as server loads, session status, published applications; users connected, and license usage. Data collectors receive incremental data updates and queries from servers within the zone. Data collectors relay information to all other data collectors in the farm.
In large XenApp server farm environments, it is a good idea to have a dedicated server and restrict it from delivering applications. A dedicated data collector improves load balancing decisions and reduces session logon time.
9. What is the function of XML broker or XML service?
A service that provides an HTTP interface to the web browser. It uses TCP packets instead of UDP, which allows connections to work across most firewalls. The default port for the Citrix XML Service is 80.

10. What is a Farm?
XenApp server farm is a logical collection or group of XenApp servers that can be managed as a single entity. Usually, Citrix define three types of farms:
Design validation farm: Design validation farm is set up in a laboratory, typically as the design or blueprint for the production farm. Usually, the preferred method to build a design validation farm today is using virtual machines.
Pilot farm: Pilot farm is a preproduction farm used to test a farm design and applications before deploying the farm across the company. The pilot must include users from the entire organization and role. These users should access the farm for their everyday needs.
Production farm: Production farm is in regular use and accessed by all users in the organization.

11. What is a Zone?
Zones are used to control the aggregation and replication of data in the farm. A farm should be divided into zones based upon the network topology, where major geographic regions are assigned to separate zones. Each zone elects a data collector, which aggregates dynamic data from the servers in its zone and replicates the data to the data collectors in the other zones.

12. What are your job roles and responsibilities?
⦁ Perform advanced issue analysis and resolution
⦁ Perform maintenance and environment upgrades
⦁ Addressing high severity issues and service outages
⦁ Manage the Citrix environment
⦁ Manage network and storage infrastructure as it relates to the Citrix environment
⦁ Review periodic reports of server health, resource usage, user experience, and overall environment performance
⦁ Review vendor knowledge base articles and newly released updates
⦁ Perform policy-level changes and make Active Directory updates
⦁ Review change control requests that impact the Citrix environment
⦁ Perform advanced server and infrastructure maintenance

13. Which version of xenapp you have worked?
Citrix presentation server 4.5/5.0, XenApp 6.0/6.5
14. How to install xenapp?
XenApp uses roles for XenApp features and related technologies. The wizard-based XenApp Server Role Manager uses the Server Role Installer to help you add certain XenApp roles. It detects the deployment phase for each role and displays the next task required to complete the installation and configuration of that role. From the XenApp Server Role Manager, you can:
⦁ Install role prerequisites
⦁ Install fully-integrated server roles (such as XenApp, Citrix licensing, Single sign-on service, and Provisioning Server)
⦁ Launch installers for partially-integrated roles (such as Power and Capacity Management Administration, SmartAuditor Server, EdgeSight Server)
⦁ Launch the Citrix License Configuration Tool to configure the XenApp role license parameters (mode, server, and port)
⦁ Launch the XenApp Server Configuration Tool to configure the XenApp server role
⦁ Launch configuration tools for other roles
⦁ Initiate a XenApp server restart (reboot)
⦁ Remove a server from a farm
⦁ Prepare a server for imaging and provisioning
⦁ Remove fully-integrated XenApp 6.5 roles and components
⦁ Upgrade roles (other than the XenApp server role) in XenApp 6 deployments
15. What are the different ports and their numbers?
⦁ TCP 1494– ICA Protocol
⦁ TCP 2598– ICA with Session Reliability
⦁ TCP 2512– IMA Communication
⦁ TCP 2513– XenApp Advanced Console
⦁ UDP 1604– TCP Browsing
⦁ TCP 80 – XML Service Port
⦁ TCP 443 – SSL Communications
⦁ TCP 8082 – License Management Console
⦁ TCP 27000 – License Port
⦁ TCP 3389 – RDP Port
⦁ TCP 1433 – Default SQL Port
⦁ TCP 389 – Active Directory
⦁ TCP 7279 – Vendor daemon license Port
16. What is application enumeration process?
⦁ A user launches a Web browser then connects to Web Interface.
⦁ The Web Interface returns the logon page.
⦁ The user types in credentials.
⦁ The user’s credentials are forwarded from XML then to IMA service in HTTP (or HTTPS) form.
⦁ The IMA then forwards them to local Lsass.exe.
⦁ The Lsass.exe encrypts the credentials then passes them to the domain controller.
⦁ The domain controller returns the SIDs (user’s SID and the list of group SIDs) back to Lsass.exe and to IMA.
⦁ IMA used the SIDs to search the Local Host Cache (LHC) for a list of applications and the Worker Group Preference policy for that authenticated user.
⦁ The lists of the applications together with the user’s worker group preference policy are returned to the Web Interface.
⦁ The Web Interface returns the web page to the web browser. (This completes the application enumeration process).
17. What if data store goes down?
The farm remains up and the issue is transparent to the users. The administrators will have issues managing the farm, including an inability to open management tools. No changes to the farm can be made with the Database in the down state (it is the only read/write copy of the farm configuration).
Initially users will connect to the resources for 30 days? 
Data store can be created by the *. Mbd file which is located at program files/ citrix/independent Archetecture Management . This file can be moved to another server and the data base connectivity and be created using ODBC and creating a *.dsn file.
18. What if license server goes down?
If Citrix License servers goes down. Citrix application will work until 60 days of basic grace period of the Citrix License server . After 60 days farm cant aenble to server an apps to Citrix xenapp users.
19. What if data collector goes down?
When a communication failure occurs between a member server and the data collector for its zone or between data collectors, the election process begins in the zone. Here are some examples of how ZDC elections can be triggered and a high level of summary of the election process. A detailed description of this process and the associated functions used is further below in this document.
1. The existing data collector for Zone 1 has an unplanned failure for some reason, that is, a RAID controller fails causing the server to blue screen. If the server is shutdown gracefully, it triggers the election process before going down.
2. The servers in the zone recognize the data collector has gone down and start the election process.
3. The member servers in the zone then send all of their information to the new data collector for the zone. This is a function of the number each server has of sessions, disconnected session and applications.
4. In turn the new data collector replicates this information to all other data collectors in the farm
Important: The data collector election process is not dependent on the data store.
Note: If the data collector goes down, sessions connected to other servers in the farm are unaffected.
Misconception: “If a data collector goes down, there is a single point of failure.”
Actual: The data collector election process is triggered automatically without administrative intervention. Existing as well as incoming users are not affected by the election process, as a new data collector is elected almost instantaneously. Data collector elections are not dependent on the data store.
20. What happens in DC Election?
A collector stores information about servers and published applications inside a group and acts as a gateway between data collectors in other groups. In large XenApp server farm environments, it is a good idea to have a dedicated server and restrict it from delivering applications. A dedicated data collector improves load balancing decisions and reduces session logon time.
If data collector is unavailable an election occurs and another server in the zone takes over the role of the data collector
Election ranking
⦁ most preferred
⦁ preferred
⦁ default preferred
⦁ not preferred
21. What is XML service role?
Xml service is responsible for contact between web interface and data collector.
22. What if web interface is not available?
23. What are the types of websites in Web Interface?
XenApp Web Sites
XenApp Services Sites

24. What are types of authentications and authentication points?
Methods of authentications
⦁ Explicit
⦁ Pass through
⦁ Pass through with smart card
⦁ Smart card
⦁ Anonymous
Explicit: (XenApp websites) or Prompt (XenApp services sites): Users need to log in using a username and a password. Authentication options are User Principal Name (UPN), Microsoft domain-based authentication, and Novell Directory Services (NDS).
Pass-through: Users can authenticate using the credentials they provided when they logged on to their Windows desktop machines. The Citrix client sends their credentials to the Web Interface server and their resource set appears automatically.
Pass-through with smart card: Users are authenticated by inserting a smart card in a smart card reader attached to the user desktop machine or mobile device. If users have installed the Citrix Online Plug-in, they are prompted for their smart card PIN when they log on to the user device. After logging in, users can access their resources without additional logon prompts. Users accessing XenApp websites are not asked for a PIN.
Smart card: Users use a smart card to authenticate. The user is asked for the smart card PIN.
Anonymous: Anonymous users can log on without providing a username and password and access resources published only for anonymous users.

Authentication points
⦁ At web interface
⦁ At Microsoft ADFS (Active Directory Federation Services) account patterns
⦁ At access gate way
⦁ At third party using kerberous
⦁ At web servers
25. How can we add backup XML service?

26. What is LHC?
Each XenApp server stores a subset of the data store in the Local Host Cache (LHC). The LHC performs two primary functions:
• Permits a server to function in the absence of a connection to the data store.
• Improves performance by caching information used by ICA Clients for enumeration and application resolution.
The LHC is an Access database, Imalhc.mdb, stored, by default, in the \Citrix\Independent Management Architecture folder.
The following information is contained in the local host cache:
• All servers in the farm, and their basic information.
• All applications published within the farm and their properties.
• All Windows network domain trust relationships within the farm.
• All information specific to itself. (Product code, SNMP settings, licensing information)
On the first startup of the member server, the LHC is populated with a subset of information from the data store. From then on, the IMA service is responsible for keeping the LHC synchronized with the data store. The IMA service performs this task through change notifications and periodic polling of the data store.
If the data store is unreachable, the LHC contains enough information about the farm to allow normal operations for an indefinite period of time, if necessary. However, no new static information can be published, or added to the farm, until the farm data store is reachable and operational again

27. What is meant by session reliability?
If we connected to an ICA session and it have been disconnected due to network connection. Once if we retain the network the user will get the disconnected session with in 3 minutes which can be configurable.
28. What is meant by Keep alive?
Enabling the ICA keep alive feature prevents broken connections from being disconnected. When we enable it, if XenApp notices no activity (for example, no clock change, no mouse movement, no screen updates), this feature prevents Remote Desktop Services from disconnecting that session. XenApp sends keep-alive packets every few seconds to detect if the session is active. If the session is no longer active,
XenApp marks the session as disconnected.
The ICA keep alive feature does not work if we are using Session Reliability. Session Reliability has its own mechanisms to handle this issue. We need to configure only ICA keep-alive for connections that do not use Session Reliability.
29. What is the durability of session reliability?
The Session reliability timeout setting has a default of 180 seconds, or 3 minutes.
This is the time allowed before the session is disconnected. If we do not want users to be able to reconnect to the interrupted sessions without having to re-authenticate, we can use the Auto client reconnect feature.
If we use both Session Reliability and Auto Client Reconnect, the two features work in sequence.
30. What is application streaming?
Application streaming simplifies application delivery to users by virtualizing applications on client machines. We can install and configure an application centrally and deliver it to any XenApp server or client machine on demand. One of the major features of application streaming is the ability to run multiple sessions of an application on the same client, for example, we can run Office 2007 and Office 2010
on the same client machine.
31. How is stream to server?
While using the “Streamed if possible, otherwise access from server” delivery method with the “Streamed to server” application type will stream applications to servers, XenApp will first try to stream the application to the client device. If the offline plug-in is installed on the client device and the published application is accessed through a Web Interface site or the plug-in installed on the client device, the application will stream to the client device rather than to the server.
32. What are the advantages of application streaming?
1. The ability to install an application once on a profiler workstation and copy and replicate to fileservers within the company.
2. Use of streamed applications reduces patching complexity in large environments.
3. Updates to a streamed application don’t require re-profiling applications.
4. All streamed applications run within isolated environments that keep the applications from interfering with others running on the same client machine.
5. Application files can be cached on the client machine to allow faster access the next time the application is launched.
6. A wide range of target environments can host streamed applications. Specifically, supported versions include Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 and 2008, Windows Vista, and Windows 7.
7. We can configure XenApp to stream software to client machines or run the application on the client machine from a XenApp server.
8. Streamed applications that can be accessed through the server appear next to other applications that the user is familiar with, either within the web interface, Citrix Plugins, or on the desktop; thus giving a consistent end-user experience. The user does not have to know where and how the application
is executing.
9. When a streamed application is configured and delivered, applications can be accessed even when the user is offline. The only requirement is the Citrix Offline Plug-in is installed on the client machine.
10. Streamed applications can easily be delivered to a XenApp farm.When publishing applications in a server farm, choose to virtualize applications from XenApp. Instead of installing applications on our farm servers, we can stream them to XenApp from a central file share in our App Hub. Update the
application in the central location and we update the application on all the farm servers.
11. Streamed applications allow easy disaster recovery because the application and data are not lost if the profiles can be easily backed up, and servers and client machines can be replaced easily.

33. Does plug-in required for streaming?
The plug-in that our users must install on their client machines are determined by the method of streaming
1. Streamed to client desktops: When streaming applications directly to client desktops and the application files are cached locally and the applications run using the resources of the client machine.
We need to install both Citrix Online and Offline Plug-ins on client machines:
CitrixOnlinePluginFull.exe and CitrixOfflinePlugin.exe.
This enables us to:
Provide dual-mode streaming. When we select Streamed if possible, otherwise accessed from a server and Streamed to server, if streaming to the client machine fails, applications automatically stream to a XenApp server and then launch using the online plug-in. Enumerate published applications located on the Start menu and create shortcuts on the desktop of the client machine. Configure applications and users for offline access. This is because the entire application is fully cached on the client machine. Users can use the application for the time specified in the offline license, even if they are disconnected from the network.
Accessed from a server:
The profile is streamed from the App Hub to the XenApp server, where the Citrix Offline Plug-in is installed by default. The Offline Plug-in is not required on the client machine and the application runs on the client machine using the Online Plug-in or Web Plug-in. When we publish applications as Accessed from a server and Streamed to server, users will access the applications using the Citrix Online Plug-in or
Web Plug-in. This method does not support desktop integration or offline access to applications.
We have two versions of Citrix Online Plug-in: We need to install CitrixOnlinePluginFull.exe to stream applications to XenApp servers and launch them with the online plugin, or launch applications from a web interface site using a web browser. This file provides the full online plugin feature set. We need to install CitrixOnlinePluginWeb.exe to stream applications to XenApp servers and launch them from the Web Interface. This file provides a limited online plug-in.

34. What are streaming best practices?
35. What are different problems faced in streaming?

36. What are the limitations of streaming?
Applications that contain drivers, such as Adobe Acrobat
• Microsoft Internet Explorer
• 64-bit applications
• Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC)
• .NET Framework
37. What is windows isolation communication?
Windows service isolation for streamed applications: This new feature allows applications to install Windows services and they can be profiled and streamed. This new option increases the number of streamed applications supported. Applications like Microsoft Office 2010 or Adobe Creative Suite install a windows service. Now we can profile and stream them, and other applications, using the new service isolation technology.
38. What is inter-isolation?
Citrix defines inter-isolation communication as a feature that links individual profiles, so applications in separate profiles can communicate with each other when they are launched on the client machine. Also, this feature can be used if a streamed application fails because it needs data from another streamed application, but cannot detect it because both are running in isolation environments. When we create a profile enabled for inter-isolation communication, applications launched on the client machine can interact with other applications, but applications stay isolated from the system and from other isolated applications

39. What is dependent, associated, linked profile?

40. What are databases?
41. What is environment in xenapp 4.5 and 5?
42. What are the new features in xenapp 6and 6.5?
ProvisioningServices √
Smart Access √
HDX Broadcast / Branch Repeater √
EdgeSight √
Single sign-on √
Smart Auditor √

43. How to apply hot fixes?
Using Citrix Delivery Services Console, we can set up and monitor servers, server farms, published resources and sessions, configure policies, printers, and application access. We can manage load balancing, troubleshoot alerts, diagnose problems in our farms, view hot fix information for our Citrix products, and track administrative changes.
44. How do you install applications in xenapp environment?
45. What is printing environment? And what is the troubleshooting?
46. What is group policy integration?
1. XenApp integrates with the Microsoft Group Policy engine, allowing organizations to leverage their Active Directory structure and Group Policy management tools to create and apply Citrix policies.
2. Citrix policies are configured within Group Policy Objects (GPOs) using the Group Policy Management Console (GPMC) and linked to Active Directory domains, organizational units (OUs) and sites. The policy settings within those GPOs will apply to all objects within that OU regardless of XenApp farm membership. Objects added to the OU will have those policy settings applied automatically.
3. Group Policy integration does not require changes to the Active Directory schema.
Group Policy Integration Benefits
Group policy integration also allows organizations to leverage the Group Policy management
features for their XenApp environment. For example, the GPMC allows administrators to:
• Backup and restore policies
• Migrate policies from one domain to another
• View the resultant set of policies for a server, user or session
• Perform modeling by retrieving policy reports for any user connection scenario
• Create Active Directory delegated administration for Citrix settings and policies

Administrators with access to the Advanced Group Policy Manager (AGPM) can perform the
following additional tasks:
• Create granular delegated administrators and role-based administration
• Manage the Active Directory Group Policy change control process
• Edit GPOs offline
• Enable audit logging and create policy differencing reports
• Recover deleted GPOs and repair live GPOs
• Enable email notification for GPO changes
• Track version changes, capture history and quickly roll back deployed changes
48. Which has high priority citrix policy or AD policy?
AD /citrix/local
49. What are universal printing solutions?
Citrix Universal Printer Drivers and printers are printing solutions that allow users to print regardless of whether the correct printer drivers and printers are installed.
There are several different universal printing solutions.
An administrator can configure at the beginning of each session, a device-specific printer is auto-created using the Citrix Universal Printer Driver Citrix Universal Printer Driver (EMF-based). For example, the LaserJet5L printer is auto-created and uses the Citrix Universal Printer Driver (EMF-based) to communicate with the printer driver on the client device. The print job is processed on the client device. This is the default
universal printer driver. At the beginning of each session, a device-specific printer is auto-created using the Citrix XPS Universal Printer Driver. For Citrix XPS Universal Printer Driver example, the LaserJet5L printer is auto-created and uses the Citrix XPS Universal Printer Driver to communicate with the printer driver on the client device. The print job is processed on the client device. At the beginning of each session, a Citrix Universal Printer is auto-created using a Citrix Universal Printer Driver. The session Citrix Universal Printer with a Citrix Universal Printer uses the Citrix Universal Printer Driver to communicate with the Driver printer driver on the client device. The print job is processed on the client device. For more information about this printer, see the Citrix Universal Printer topic later in this module

50. What are troubleshooting steps if application is delivered to the end user?
51. What are troubleshooting steps if applications were delivered before but the very next day they are not getting delivered?
52.A user has 5 applications out of which one application is not getting delivered. What are troubleshooting steps?
53. What are troubleshooting steps if application is getting delivered to user, but the session hangs for that application?
54. What are troubleshooting steps if user is complaining of poor logon time?
The first thing you should do is gather some information:
1. Check if all your users experience slow logins, or whether it is just one specific user.
2. Is this happening during certain hours of the day or all day?
3. If you have Citrix, does an RDC login have the same problem?
4. If it only affects a single user, I would start looking at the user profile to see if it is set as a roaming profile. If the profile is roaming, you could look at the size of the profile. To check a profile type (roaming, local, and mandatory) and size open the control panel, click on ‘System’ and the ‘Advanced Tab’, select ‘user profile’ and you will see the size listed for all profiles on the computer you are on. (You can also use triCerat free Profile Analysis found at http://www.tricerat.com/pat_dl. This tool will list all user profiles in your network and give you a good overview of their size, location and type.)
5. If the profile is large, that could be the cause of your slow login time. If so, see what in the profile is causing this. Is it a large file on the desktop or something similar? If you find anything, try to move that file out of the profile and see if this speeds up login (also consider using folder redirection to place those large files on the network instead of within your roaming profile, http://www.tricerat.com/blog/222).
6. If the profile is small and it is still taking a long login time I would consider turning on logging of the user environment load. This log can show you in detail what happens during login, what file is taking long time to load, if DNS/WINS is slow or if your Group Policy loading is preventing the user to login fast and easy. This article tells you how to enable this: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/221833
7. Login scripts may also be a cause of slow logins. I have been in contact with many companies over the years that do everything with login scripts: map network drives, assign printers, create registry keys, copy files, and more. This is okay when everything is working, but it is a nightmare to troubleshoot. I was recently speaking to a Citrix Consulting Engineer that had been visiting a customer with five-minute login times per user. He did some troubleshooting and found that it was the login script that took five minutes to run! They decided to investigate what the script was doing and find out if there were any way they could make it more efficient. After they reviewed the script, it turned out it accomplished almost nothing! Having a complex login script also causes a single point of failure because if the admin that wrote the script decides to leave the company or worse, it can be very hard to get a grip on the script.
55. What are troubleshooting steps if auto creation of printer is not working?
To troubleshoot printer auto creation, follow these steps:

1. In Citrix Connection Configuration, double-click the ICA listener port, select the Client Settings button, and ensure Connect client printers at logon is selected. For Presentation Server 4.5 and later, configure these settings using the Terminal Services Configuration tool.
2. Ensure that the following check boxes are not selected under the Client Settings area:
• Disable Windows Client Printer Mapping
• Disable Client LPT Mapping
Both of these settings prevent client printers from being auto created on the system, and prohibit the client printer from being manually added during the session.
3. If Inherent User Config is selected in step 1, ensure that connect client printers at logon is selected in the User Config button for each user account within User Manager for Domains or the Environment tab within Active Directory Users and Computers/Computer Management-Local Users and Groups (for Active Directory 2000, 2003).
In Active Directory 2008, open the Server Manager utility and expand the Configuration node. From there you can manage your users and groups.
4. from the client machine:
a. Make a custom ICA connection directly to the server desktop and log on.
b. Open the printer folder inside the ICA session.
c. Add Printer > Network printer and expand Client network.
d. Select Client printer and try to add.
e. The result may indicate:
• A suitable driver must be added.
• Access is denied (permissions issue).
• The printer is not seen under the client network (the printer must be defined in the local client print folder).
• If you cannot expand a Microsoft server with a shared printer (possibly an operating system/RPC issue).
• The “Could not connect to the printer” error message is received. Refer to CTX102808 – Error: Could not connect to the printer.
• The client network cannot be seen. Refer to CTX748796 – Users Unable to see the Client Network when in Print Manager or Connect to Printer.
5. Current Microsoft RDP clients allow for the creation of printers. While the RDP does not use the Citrix Client Network Service, as a test, log on with the RDP client. This might help in determining if there is an underlying operating system or permission issue.
6. Ensure the latest compatible driver for its operating system is installed on the client computer. On the Citrix server, install the latest compatible driver for the base operating system (Windows 2000 Server, Windows Server 2003, or Windows Server 2008). This is accomplished by installing a “phantom” printer on the server console. After the printer has been created it can be deleted from the print manager. The driver itself and registry references to the driver remain. You must verify what drivers have been installed on the server in step 7 below. In Windows 2000 Server, Windows Server 2003, and Windows Server 2008, right-click in the white space in the Printers folder, go to Server Properties, and select the Drivers tab.
A printer driver that is compatible with Windows 2000/2003/2008 is not necessarily compatible with the corresponding version of Terminal Server. Installing incompatible drivers might cause crashes (for example, see Microsoft TechNet articles Q191666 and Q249917 with respect to Lexmark drivers), spooler CPU spikes, hangs, print jobs failing to print, and auto created printers might fail to delete upon log off (one possible cause of this is the lack of an Auto created Printer definition inside the printer properties comment field).
7. Verify which drivers have been installed on your Citrix server by checking the following registry keys:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Environments\Windows NT x86\Drivers\Version-1 (Win Frame, NT 3.51)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Environments\Windows NT x86\Drivers\Version-2 (NT 4.0)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Environments\Windows NT x86\Drivers\Version-3 (Windows 2000 Server, or Windows Server 2003/2008)
Note: For 64-bit drivers, check the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Environments\Windows NT x64\Drivers\… key.
Also, the existence of the driver does not guarantee this process will work. The driver might be corrupted. If this is the case, complete the following procedure:
a. Remove the driver.
b. Restart the print services.
c. Add the driver again.
8. Verify that administrators can auto create client printers. If administrators can auto create and regular users cannot, confirm that users have at least Read, Write, and Execute permissions to the following files and directories:
Note: Auto creation of 32-bit client printers involves both the client and the server.
ICA Client printer auto creation happens during the logon process.
In MetaFrame for Terminal Server Edition, ctxlogon is called directly by win logon.
In XenApp 5.0 and Presentation Server for Windows 2000 Server and Windows Server 2003, ctxnotif.dll replaces Ctxlogon.exe and Ctxlogof.exe. Win logon, specifically cmstart.exe, calls ctxnotif.dll, which makes a function call to ctxlogon to create printer connections. It handles logon/logoff notifications for specific logon processing (for example, creating printer connections).
9. For MetaFrame 1.x on NT 4.0 Terminal Server Edition, ensure users have read (RX) rights to ctxlogon.exe and ctxlogoff.exe. By default, the Everyone group is configured for read permission during the installation of MetaFrame.
10. For Terminal Server 4.0 installations check to see if the following registry entry exists:
Key Name: Userinit
For Windows 2000 Server and Windows Server 2003/2008 Terminal Server installations, check to see if the following registry entry exists:
Key Name: AppSetup
Value: Cmstart.EXE
Note: Cmstart.exe is needed to ensure wfshell is running in a session. See CTX102634 – WFSHELL.exe crashes when attempting to auto create certain HP Print Drivers.
11. Since MetaFrame XP Service Pack 2/Feature Release 2, the behavior in which client side network printers are autocreated has changed. MetaFrame XP Service Pack 3/Feature Release 3 and later contains a check box in the Management Console, under Printer Node Properties, to toggle this behavior. For MetaFrame XP Service Pack 2/Feature Release 2, see if CTX101829 – Hotfix XE102W065 – For MetaFrame XP 1.0 for Windows 2000 Server – English and the corresponding registry change resolve the issue.
The hotfix introduces a registry switch so that you can toggle which functionality you want — direct connection to network printers from a Feature Release 2 server or the network printers created as client printers that print through the ICA client device.
Navigate to the following registry key:
Value Name: fCreateNetworkPrinter
Value Type: DWORD
Value: 1 (to have network printers created as client printers)
Value: 0 (to retain the Feature Release 2 behavior)
With this feature enabled, network printers are created as client printers in the ICA session.
For Presentation Server 3.0 and later, create a new policy and expand Printing > Client printers > print job routing. Enable it to select one of the following choices: Connect directly to network print server if possible or Always connect the printer indirectly as a client printer
12. See if any Citrix policies to disable printing have been set in the Management Console.
13. See if any Printer Compatibility Mappings or Driver Restrictions in the Citrix Management Console apply.
14. For MetaFrame XP Service Pack 3/Feature Release 3 on Windows 2003, verify that the Feature Release 3 licenses have been obtained from My Citrix, and they have been installed and activated.
From Hotfix XE103W2K3006:
In Windows Server 2003, client printers could not be autocreated without installing a Citrix Feature Release 3 license.
Terminal services in Windows Server 2003 were changed so that the printer virtual channel needed to be created in the system context. The MetaFrame server would not issue a printer auto creation command through the printer virtual channel.
This hot fix ensures that the printer virtual channel is created in the system context and a Feature Release 3 license is no longer required.
15. See if the following article applies:
CTX102580 – How to Disable Printing Through NFuse/Web Interface
16. Citrix bases its auto creation of printers on client name and printer driver name, so it is recommended that each client has a unique name. See CTX376489 – Clientnames Should Always Be Unique.
The algorithm used to create the printer name might cause an issue with some applications. The issue is often the length of the name. This issue can be reproduced outside of a Citrix environment by creating the equivalent name length for a Microsoft shared printer. The application might need to be changed with respect to the way it enumerates and uses printer APIs. See Microsoft TechNet article Q240082.
17. Hewlett-Packard has introduced a new architecture targeted for the home market called Print Performance Architecture (PPA). Microsoft is not supporting the PPA architecture on all of its operating systems; therefore PPA is not supported in a Citrix environment. Refer to the following:
• Microsoft article Q153958
• CTX110571 – HP Printers Supported in XenApp Environments
18. After verifying all of the above, if your printer still does not auto create, confirm that the driver names are identical on the client and the server. Sometimes driver names differ marginally from one operating system to another. In such an instance, you need to map the names correctly using the Driver Mapping tool within the management console (in Presentation Server and XenApp).
In MetaFrame 1.8, you must map the names correctly in the Ctxuprn.inf and Wtsuprn.inf files (these files reside in the %SystemRoot%\System32 folder). For the wtsuprn.inf file usage information and a sample file, reference CTX626451 – Sample WTSUPRN.INF File for Use in Autocreation of Client Printers.
Note: This is not supported in Presentation Server or XenApp.
In MetaFrame XP, you can use the Citrix Management Console or the QPrinter.exe command.
Printing Algorithm
The printing algorithm checks in this order:
1. # in wtsuprn.inf
2. in wtsuprn.inf
3. # in wtsprnt.inf
4. in wtsprnt.inf
5. # in wtsuprn.inf
6. in wtsuprn.inf
7. # in wtsprnt.inf
8. in wtsprnt.inf
9. in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Environments\Windows NT x86\Drivers\Version-2 and \Version-3
10. in ntprint.inf. If a match is found, the new name is substituted for the driver name when the printer creation is attempted.
The client printer mechanism checks the registry first. If the driver has been installed, the registry entry exists and the printer creates without a problem. If the registry entry does not exist for that particular driver, it looks in the ntprint.inf file to determine if the driver is available from the base server installation. If it is a known driver and the installation is available (through a CD or the network), the driver is silently installed on the machine and the printer creation goes forward.
11. When the UPD is selected, much depends on how the Printer Management settings are configured in the management console. With the default setting it creates the UPD after first attempting to create the printer using the native driver, following the above algorithm. This also occurs when using the management console to exclude drivers.
Process Overview
The process begins on the client side. The wfica32 calls the APIs locally to enumerate client printers and send the information to the server. These client printers might be defined locally on the client port or they can be network printers defined locally. The printer mapping file (wtsuprn.inf) is referenced to determine which driver is used to auto create the printer. The driver is then installed on the server if it is available to the operating system through the ntprint.inf file.
The timing of the printer auto creation depends on whether the user is connecting to a published application or directly to a server desktop.
If the user is connecting to a published application, the printer auto creation process is synchronous so that the application finds a default printer when it is executed. This is by design because some applications do not load if a default printer is not defined.
If the user is connecting to a server desktop, the printer is created asynchronously to increase logon speed.
The synchronous process can be enabled in MetaFrame XP and later within the individual application properties by clicking Client Options. Under the Printing section, select the Start this application without waiting for printers to be created check box.
56. What are troubleshooting steps if auto connection of files and folders not happening?
57. What are commands often used in citrix?
•ALTADDR –Specify alternate IP address to XAS
•APP –Runs application execution shell
•AUDITLOG –Generates server logon/logoff reports
•CHANGE CLIENT –Changes client device mappings
•CTXKEYTOOL -Generates farm key for IMA encryption
•CTXXMLSS –Changes Citrix XML port number
•DSCHECK –Validates farm data store integrity
•DSMAINT –Maintains farm data store
•ENABLELB –Enables load balancing for XAS that fail healthmonitoring tests
•ICAPORT –Configures ICA protocol port number
•IMAPORT –Configures IMA protocol port number
•Query –displays information about server farms, processes, ICA sessions and users

58. What are the licensing issues faced often?
Are the licensing services started?
•Are the ports correct? Have the ports been changed from defaults?
–TCP 27000 –default license port
–TCP 8082 –default License Management Console (LMMC) port
•Is the policy properly configured for the license server?
•Is the license server reading the license file correctly?
•Does the LMC show all the right licenses?
•Is the XAS configured with the right license edition?
•Do you have enough Citrix licenses?
•Do you have enough Microsoft RDS licenses?

59. What are troubleshooting steps if QFARM\LOAD is wrongly showing the result?
The qfarm /load Command Does Not Give any Output
Problem Definition
A customer reported that there was no output when using the qfarm /load command on a Presentation Server 4.5 farm with Hotfix Rollup pack 7. However, the customer received an output when using the other commands such as qfarm /online.

⦁ Presentation Server 4.5 with Hotfix Rollup Pack 7
⦁ Windows Server 2003 R2 SP2 64-bit
⦁ SQL 2005 Database Server
Troubleshooting Methodology
This command can be used from any server in the farm, so the Technical Support Engineers requested the customer to run this command from a server hosting published applications as well as the Zone Data Collector.
On both servers the qfarm /load command gave no results even after waiting for 5 minutes. However, the users in the farm did not report any problems about using the published applications or Desktops.
The qfarm /load command was not able to receiving any answer and was timing out.
The engineers identified that the database server hosting the DataStore was running with high CPU utilization for another database hosted on this server.
After the CPU utilization was back to normal the customer was able to get the output for the qfarm /load command.
⦁ Keep the Zone Data Collector and Desktop Delivery Controller free from running any published applications or Desktops. The server with the Data Collector requires high CPU to process all the information and requests from all the Presentation Servers in the zone or farm. Therefore, it is not recommended to run any published application or Desktop on the server.
⦁ It is good practice, to not use the database server hosting the Data Store for other databases. If you need to host any other databases on this SQL server, then ensure that the server can handle the load and is equipped with enough memory, disk space, and processing power to host all databases without resource issues.
60. How to know which is your Data Store machine?
Look for data store name REG key via
HKEY_LOCAL MACHINE_ _SOFTWARE_CITRIX_IMA, this should tell you were/ what DNS file your using navigated to the file and edit it with a note pad to see the server name and data base description your farm is using
61. How to troubleshoot if license service is not getting started?

62. What are troubleshooting steps if IMA service is not getting started?
1. Check whether MFCOM (Meta frame) is started
There can be a number of reasons why the IMA Service appears not to have started, including the following:
• IMA Service load time
• IMA Service subsystem
• Missing Temp directory
• Print spooler service
• ODBC configuration
• Roaming Profile
• Another server with an identical NetBIOS name on the same network
IMA Service Load Time
If the Service Control Manager reports that the IMA Service could not be started, but the service eventually starts, ignore the error message.
The Service Control Manager has a timeout of 6 minutes. The IMA Service can take longer than six minutes to start if the load on the database exceeds the capabilities of the database hardware or if the network has high-latency. If you feel that the service is merely hung (stuck in a “starting” state) you can terminate the ImaSrv.exe process in Task Manager and restart the Citrix Independent Management Architecture service as a test.
IMA Service Subsystem
Examine the following Windows Registry setting:
If there is no value specified in the Currently Loading Plug-in portion of the above Windows Registry entry, then either the IMA Service could not connect to the data store or the local host cache is missing or corrupt.
If a CurrentlyLoadingPlugin value is specified, the IMA Service made a connection to the data store and the value displayed is the name of the IMA Service subsystem that failed to load.
Missing Temp Directory
If administrators see an “IMA Service Failed” error message with an error code of 2147483649 when starting the server, the local system account might be missing a Temp directory which is required for the IMA Service to run.
To gain further insight into the situation, change the IMA Service startup account to the local administrator and restart the server. If the IMA Service is successful in starting under the local administrator’s account, then it is likely that a missing Temp directory for the local system account is causing the situation.
If the Temp directory is not present, then manually create one as \Temp. For example: 
Also, verify that the TMP and TEMP system environment variables point to the temporary directory. Restart the server to restart the IMA Service.
Print Spooler Service
When the server attempts to start the IMA Service, the “Setup Could Not Start The IMA Service” error message appears. This error shows that the IMA Service is not starting, possibly because the print spooler service is not running or was configured incorrectly. In addition, the following error messages appear in the Event Viewer:
• Failed to load plug-in MfPrintSs.dll with error 80000001h
• Failed to load initial plugging with error 80000001h
• The Independent Management Architecture service terminated with service-specific error
The error occurs because the print spooler service:
• Has stopped
• Is disabled
• Is not configured to run under the Local System Account
To correct this error, verify that the print spooler service was started in the context of system rather than in the context of a user. A print spooler service that is not running or has been configured incorrectly might cause the printing subsystem to fail to load.
To resolve the situation, stop and start the print spooler service, making sure that it is configured to run under the Local System Account. Then, try to start the IMA Service.
ODBC Configuration
1. Verify that the Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle server is online.
2. Verify the name of the DSN file that the IMA Service is using by looking at the following key in the WindowsRegistry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Citrix\IMA\DataSourceName.
3. Attempt to connect to the database using the DSN file with an ODBC test utility such as Oracle ODBC Test or SQL Server ODBC Test.
4. Verify that the correct user name and password are being used for database connectivity.
5. Change the user name and password using the DSMAINT CONFIG command, if needed using dsmaint config /user: username /pwd:password /dsn:dsnfilename
6. Enable ODBC Tracing for further troubleshooting.

Roaming Profile
When the server attempts to start the IMA Service, the “Setup Could Not Start The IMA Service” error message appears. In the event viewer you might see the following error: IMA_RESULT_INVALID_MESSAGE or other events related to the IMA Service not being able to start.
Verify the size of the roaming profile, especially if it is crossing a WAN. Also watch for error messages related to not being able to load the profile. Test with a local user profile or one that is smaller in size.
Another server with an identical NetBIOS name on the same network
Verify that there is not another server on the network with the same NetBIOS name on the network. If the CurrentlyLoadingPlugin has the ImaLicSs.dll listed, this might be an indication of this condition. Another symptom of ImaLicSs.dll
“106. The IMA Service failed to start because of license group corruption in the data store.
Note: This fix prevents corruption in the data store but it does not correct any corruption that may already exist. You need to check for corruptions present in the data store and correct them using the appropriate tools.
63. What are troubleshooting steps if delivery service console is not getting connected to xenapp?
64. How to enable configuration log in DB?
To enable the Configuration Logging feature:
⦁ Set up the Configuration Logging database
⦁ Define the Configuration Logging database access permissions
⦁ Configure the Configuration Logging database connection
⦁ Set the Configuration Logging properties
⦁ Delegate administrative permissions, as needed
The Configuration Logging feature, after it is properly enabled, runs in the background as administrative changes trigger entries in the Configuration Logging database. The only activities that are initiated by the user are generating reports, clearing the Configuration Logging database, and displaying the Configuration Logging properties.
To generate a configuration logging report, use the Power Shell command Get-CtxConfigurationLogReport. For more information, see help forGet-CtxConfigurationLogReport or Windows Power Shell with Common Commands.
65. What is the purpose of CTX key Tool?
CTXKEYTOOL -Generates farm key for IMA encryption
CTXXMLSS –Changes Citrix XML port number
66. How to upgrade/migrate your xenapp?
⦁ on a xenapp 6 server, install the xenapp migration tool(citrix.migration.install_X64.msi, including the option to set the powers hell execution policy to all signed)
⦁ on the xenapp 6 server, access the tool via the start>all programs>citrix> Migration tool or open power shell prompt and execute.
⦁ Import-Module Citrix.XenApp.migration (if power shell was lanched directly)
⦁ Set-ExecutionPolicy Remotesigned [if the execution policy option wasn’t selected during the installation].
⦁ Set-XAMigrationOption –RemoteServerName [server name(4.5)]
⦁ Add-XAServerMapping [ServerName] [Worker group name (give a folder name to create)]. To map a server in the legacy farm to worker group in the XeanApp 6 farm (a worker group will be created if it is not present).
⦁ Start-Migration to transfer all settings.
67. What is the purpose of installation manager?
Installation manger is a feature of cps, enterprise edition that allows you to rapidly deploy applications and software
Installation Manager
Installation Manger is a XenApp feature you can use to distribute hot fixes, patches, and file/registry updates. You can also use Installation Manager to distribute simple applications, but Citrix recommends using application streaming or App-V to manage applications. Additionally, you can use XenApp Connector for Configuration Manager 2007 R2 to install and publish applications to XenApp servers.
Use Installation Manager to:
⦁ Schedule the installation of MSI or MSP packages on target XenApp servers. You can also specify an MST (transform) file to change parameters in the MSI package.
⦁ Distribute XML files generated by Windows Task Scheduler to target XenApp servers.
⦁ Automate server restarts after installing an application on a target XenApp server, making the application and the server ready for use. You can also notify users of upcoming operations such as a server restart.
⦁ Associate a published application with a XenApp server.
⦁ View task status to see if it ran successfully on target XenApp servers.
You can use Installation Manager through a Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in, or by issuing custom Microsoft PowerShell cmdlets.
Installation Manager Components
An Installation Manager environment has the following components:
Component Description
Task management computer The computer where you manage task deployment.
File share Transfers and stores task files, including storing cache files containing previously scheduled tasks and results. For regional deployments, you may want to use multiple file shares.
Target servers The XenApp servers on which tasks are deployed.
The task management computer and the file share can be on separate computers or on one of the target servers.
68. What is proximity printing?
We can use the last option to present users with the nearest printer through profile settings (this functionality, known as Proximity Printing).
The proximity printing feature is based on the use of two Citrix policies: Session printer and Default printer. We can use the location of the client machine to assign the closer network printer.
Proximity printing requires that we filter the policy using a location setting like:
Network’s IP addresses, if they are related to user locations the name of the client machine, if the name relates to the location.
69. What is workspace control?
Smooth Roaming
This feature, also known as Workspace control, lets a user disconnect from one session, move to a different client machine, and reconnect to continue that same session. The printers assigned on the first client machine are replaced on the reconnection with printers appropriate for the second client machine.
70. What are the windows editions available? And which are supported?
72. Which databases are used in the environment?
Sql server 2008 r2
73. Which monitoring solutions are used in the environment?
74. What are the troubleshooting tools used in your environment?
75. What are the license server ports? And what is license vendor daemon?
License server port is used for communication of Xenapp server the default value is 27000
Vendor daemon port default 7279
License Management console 8082
76. What is RDS license?
Formerly known as terminal services, is one of the components of Microsoft windows that allow a user to access applications and data on a remote computer over a network. We need to install this component and appropriate license to setup and run Xenapp server. XenApp extended the functionality of M/s RDS adding flexibility, manageability, security and performance to RDS.

•RDS License Servility, manager
–Install and Activate Server
–1 RDS License Server Required
–Possible Install Servers: Domain Controller / Citrix License Server
•RDS Licenses (TSCALs)
•RD License Manager
•RD License Diagnosis Tool

77. What is xenapp license?

78. What is concurrent license?
XenApp uses concurrent user license which are license that are not tied to specific users. When a server requests a license, it is reserved for a specific client device/ user combination. When the user logs off from the session, the license is returned to the license pool and made available for another user. User connecting from multiple devices will consume multiple licenses.
79. What is the meaning of HTX and flex cache?

80. What are the xenapp services and responsibilities?
Licensing services, which are not listed here, might also appear if the license server is installed on the same server as XenApp.
s.no Display Name (Service Name) Executable Logon Account / Startup Type Description Dependencies
1 Citrix 64-bit Virtual Memory Optimization ctxsfosvc64.exe Local System
Manual Dynamically optimizes 64-bit applications running on a XenApp server. None
2 Citrix Client Network
(CdmService) cdmsvc.exe Local System
Automatic Maps client drives and peripherals for access in sessions. Client Drive Mapping (CDM)
Windows Management Instrumentation Driver Extensions
3 Citrix CPU Utilization Mgmt/CPU Rebalancer
(CTXCPUBal) ctxcpubal.exe .\ctx_cpuuser
Manual One of the services for the CPU Utilization Management feature.
This service enhances resource management across multiple CPUs.
This service is installed only on servers that have multiple CPUs. None
4 Citrix CPU Utilization Mgmt/Resource Mgmt
(ctxcpuSched) ctxcpusched.exe Local System
Manual One of the services for the CPU Utilization Management feature.
Manages resource consumption to enforce entitlement policies. Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
5 Citrix Diagnostic Facility COM Server
(CdfSvc) CdfSvc.exe NT AUTHORITY\ Network Service
Automatic Manages and controls diagnostic trace sessions, which are used to diagnose problems on a XenApp server. Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
6 Citrix Encryption Service encsvc.exe NT AUTHORITY\ Local Service
Automatic Enables secure communication with RC5 128-bit encryption between XenApp Plug-ins and XenApp. Windows Management Instrumentation Driver Extensions
7 Citrix End User Experience Monitoring
(Citrix EUEM) SemsService.exe Local Service
Manual Collects and collates end-user experience measurements. Citrix SMC Support Driver
8 Citrix Health Monitoring and Recovery
(CitrixHealthMon) HCAService.exe NT AUTHORITY\ Local Service
Automatic Provides health monitoring and recovery services in the event problems occur. Citrix Independent Management Architecture service
Terminal Services
9 Citrix Independent Management Architecture
(IMAService) ImaSrv.exe NT AUTHORITY\ NetworkService
Automatic Provides management services in the XenApp farm. Citrix Services Manager service
IPsec Policy Agent
Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
TCP/IP Protocol Driver
Windows Management Instrumentation Driver Extensions
Citrix MFCOM Service
(MFCom) mfcom.exe NT AUTHORITY\ NetworkService
Automatic Provides COM services that allow remote connections from the management tools. Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
Citrix Independent Management Architecture service
Citrix Services Manager service
10 Citrix Print Manager Service
(cpsvc) CpSvc.exe .\ctx_cpsvcuser
Automatic Manages the creation of printers and driver usage within XenApp sessions.
This service supports the Citrix Universal Printing features. Print Spooler
Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
11 Citrix Secure Gateway Proxy
(CtxSecGwy) CtxSGSvc.exe NT AUTHORITY\ Network Service
Automatic Proxy to the Citrix Secure Gateway server. None
12 Citrix Services Manager
(IMAAdvanceSrv) IMAAdvanceSrv.exe Local System
Automatic Provides XenApp with an interface to the operating system. Other services use this services to perform elevated operations. None
13 Citrix Streaming Service
(RadeSvc) RadeSvc.exe .\Ctx_StreamingSvc
Automatic Manages the XenApp Plug-in for Streamed Apps when streaming applications. Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
14 Citrix Virtual Memory Optimization CTXSFOSvc.exe Local System
Manual Dynamically optimizes applications running on a XenApp server to free up server memory. None
15 Citrix WMI Service
(CitrixWMIservice) ctxwmisvc.exe NT AUTHORITY\ Local Service
Manual Provides the Citrix WMI classes for information and management purposes. Citrix Independent Management Architecture service
Citrix Services Manager service
IPsec Policy Agent
Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
TCP/IP Protocol Driver
Windows Management Instrumentation Driver Extensions
16 Citrix XML Service
(CtxHttp) ctxxmlss.exe Network Service
Automatic Services XML data requests sent by XenApp components None
17 Citrix XTE Server
(CitrixXTEServer) XTE.exe NT AUTHORITY\ NetworkService
Manual Services network requests for session reliability and SSL from XenApp components. None

81. What is the purpose of DSCheck?
If you must clean the farm data store, using the dscheck utility, you should then rebuild the lhc on each of the server in your farm, once the data store has been cleaned.
82. What is the purpose of DSmaint command?
Perform various configuration tasks for IMA services
83. What is impact of data store, DC, license server and trashes?
84. What is windows profile and one profile management profile?
A Windows user’s profile allows the user to have a personalized desktop environment. The desktop environment includes the content and arrangement of Start Menu groups, screen colors, desktop shortcuts, network and printer connections, and mouse / keyboard settings. When a new user logs onto a computer, a profile is created automatically. While a user is logged on, changes made to the desktop environment are saved to their user profile.
In a network of computers like Haas, profiles can be either Local or Roaming. Local profiles are only stored on the computer to which you log in. Roaming profiles are copied from your local computer to a network server when you log off, and are copied from the server to any Haas domain computer you may log in to in the future.
Since Roaming profiles are downloaded when a user logs on, and uploaded when the user logs off, large user profiles degrade system performance. Not only do they cause long login delays for the user, but they use excessive network capacity and waste the processing power of the profile servers, degrading system performance for all users. Using Local Profiles limiting the profile size shorten the time it takes to log on and off and improve system performance for all users.
How can I control my profile size?
Avoid creating files or directories on the desktop, these files will be saved in your Roaming profile. Store these files in your home directory (H:).
Monitor your profile quota to insure you will not be over and possibly create further problems with your Roaming profile.
Be sure to log out each day, this will keep your profile up to date.
Never save data to your profile. Some programs will prompt you to save files in the Windows “Personal” folder; this folder is located in your profile directory. Always save to your local workstation or home directory on the data server (H:).
Be sure to periodically clear your “Recent Documents” list.
How can I reduce my profile size?
You can reduce your profile size by using Windows Explorer to manage your Windows Profile.
Profile management
Profile management ensures that the user’s personal settings are applied to the user’s virtual desktop and applications, regardless of the location and end point device.
Profile management is enabled through a profile optimization service that provides an easy, reliable way for managing these settings in Windows environments to ensure a consistent experience by maintaining a single profile that follows the user. It auto-consolidates and optimizes user profiles to minimize management and storage requirements and requires minimal administration, support and infrastructure, while providing users with improved logon and logout.
Profile management is a feature available for XenApp Enterprise and Platinum editions and XenDesktop Advanced, Enterprise and Platinum editions
Key benefits of using Profile management
⦁ Consistent Experience: Increases user satisfaction and improves productivity
— Reliable roaming experience: Ensures that personal settings, documents, shortcuts, templates, desktop wallpapers, cookies and favorites always follow the user across different Windows environments on any device.
— Faster logon times: Provides the ability to control and reduce the profile size, which improves the logon times.
⦁ Better Management: Reduces administrative burden
— Inclusion by default: By default all settings are captured, reducing the amount of time and effort spent in identifying what should be captured in a profile.  Administrators only need to focus on the items to be excluded from a profile, such as conflicting settings, files or folders that bloat the profile.
— Profile size control: Enables administrators to only include specific files and folders or exclude unnecessary ones that account for tens or hundreds of megabytes, minimizing the amount of data being managed and stored in the profile and decreasing network overhead.
— Robust profiles: Automatically detects and stores all modified profile settings in the registry and file system and can be configured to capture any kind of registry and file system modification within the profile. Prevents the unintentional overwriting of user profiles by using built-in logic to determine which data should be kept.
— Extended synchronization: Allows administrators to synchronize files and folders for poor-performing applications that do not store user-related content within the user profile but somewhere on the device hard disk.
— Detailed reports: Logs detailed information on all actions being performed in an easy to read and understandable format, simplifying the troubleshooting and analysis process.
— Easy to implement and simple to maintain: Enables administrators to automatically migrate existing user settings and choose at a granular level which profile information to keep or discard. It runs as a system service, and does not require any additional servers, services, or databases or changes to logon scripts.
85. What is installation manager?
Installation Manager: This feature allows us to remotely install applications to multiple XenApp servers simultaneously.
86. What is edge sight monitoring?
Service monitoring is based on Citrix Edge sight and enables the administrator to collect, monitor, and report server resource metrics to estimate servers required to deploy a XenApp farm or to analyze the load of production servers. This feature requires a Platinum license.
Citrix Edge Sight is a performance and availability management solution. In XenApp environments, it is used to monitor:
• License usage
• XenApp server performance and availability
• Published application performance and availability EdgeSight for XenApp provides visibility into the following key areas:
• Farm-wide monitoring, including a tree view of the entire farm structure, visual detection of farm and subfolder errors and visual flags for devices with alerts.
• Server availability, health check and session reliability monitoring
• Suite Monitoring and Alerting (SMA) log entries and alerting
• Extended end-user experience monitoring (EUEM) of the full set of ICA channels, providing a granular view of the environment Active Application Monitoring (AAM) allows for the establishment of configurable service level agreements (SLAs). An administrator can synthesize user tasks and monitor their execution time while EdgeSight provides feedback on application performance and availability based on the user experience. When SLA violations occur, real-time alerts containing diagnostic information can be triggered for the administrator’s review and action.

81. What is the purpose of DSCheck?
If you must clean the farm data store, using the dscheck utility, you should then rebuild the lhc on each of the server in your farm, once the data store has been cleaned.
82. What is the purpose of DSmaint command?
Perform various configuration tasks for IMA services
83. What is impact of data store, DC, license server and trashes?
84. What is windows profile and one profile management profile?
A Windows user’s profile allows the user to have a personalized desktop environment. The desktop environment includes the content and arrangement of Start Menu groups, screen colors, desktop shortcuts, network and printer connections, and mouse / keyboard settings. When a new user logs onto a computer, a profile is created automatically. While a user is logged on, changes made to the desktop environment are saved to their user profile.
In a network of computers like Haas, profiles can be either Local or Roaming. Local profiles are only stored on the computer to which you log in. Roaming profiles are copied from your local computer to a network server when you log off, and are copied from the server to any Haas domain computer you may log in to in the future.
Since Roaming profiles are downloaded when a user logs on, and uploaded when the user logs off, large user profiles degrade system performance. Not only do they cause long login delays for the user, but they use excessive network capacity and waste the processing power of the profile servers, degrading system performance for all users. Using Local Profiles limiting the profile size shorten the time it takes to log on and off and improve system performance for all users.
How can I control my profile size?
Avoid creating files or directories on the desktop, these files will be saved in your Roaming profile. Store these files in your home directory (H:).
Monitor your profile quota to insure you will not be over and possibly create further problems with your Roaming profile.
Be sure to log out each day, this will keep your profile up to date.
Never save data to your profile. Some programs will prompt you to save files in the Windows “Personal” folder; this folder is located in your profile directory. Always save to your local workstation or home directory on the data server (H:).
Be sure to periodically clear your “Recent Documents” list.
How can I reduce my profile size?
You can reduce your profile size by using Windows Explorer to manage your Windows Profile.
Profile management
Profile management ensures that the user’s personal settings are applied to the user’s virtual desktop and applications, regardless of the location and end point device.
Profile management is enabled through a profile optimization service that provides an easy, reliable way for managing these settings in Windows environments to ensure a consistent experience by maintaining a single profile that follows the user. It auto-consolidates and optimizes user profiles to minimize management and storage requirements and requires minimal administration, support and infrastructure, while providing users with improved logon and logout.
Profile management is a feature available for XenApp Enterprise and Platinum editions and XenDesktop Advanced, Enterprise and Platinum editions
Key benefits of using Profile management
⦁ Consistent Experience: Increases user satisfaction and improves productivity
— Reliable roaming experience: Ensures that personal settings, documents, shortcuts, templates, desktop wallpapers, cookies and favorites always follow the user across different Windows environments on any device.
— Faster logon times: Provides the ability to control and reduce the profile size, which improves the logon times.
⦁ Better Management: Reduces administrative burden
— Inclusion by default: By default all settings are captured, reducing the amount of time and effort spent in identifying what should be captured in a profile.  Administrators only need to focus on the items to be excluded from a profile, such as conflicting settings, files or folders that bloat the profile.
— Profile size control: Enables administrators to only include specific files and folders or exclude unnecessary ones that account for tens or hundreds of megabytes, minimizing the amount of data being managed and stored in the profile and decreasing network overhead.
— Robust profiles: Automatically detects and stores all modified profile settings in the registry and file system and can be configured to capture any kind of registry and file system modification within the profile. Prevents the unintentional overwriting of user profiles by using built-in logic to determine which data should be kept.
— Extended synchronization: Allows administrators to synchronize files and folders for poor-performing applications that do not store user-related content within the user profile but somewhere on the device hard disk.
— Detailed reports: Logs detailed information on all actions being performed in an easy to read and understandable format, simplifying the troubleshooting and analysis process.
— Easy to implement and simple to maintain: Enables administrators to automatically migrate existing user settings and choose at a granular level which profile information to keep or discard. It runs as a system service, and does not require any additional servers, services, or databases or changes to logon scripts.
85. What is installation manager?
Installation Manager: This feature allows us to remotely install applications to multiple XenApp servers simultaneously.
86. What is edge sight monitoring?
Service monitoring is based on Citrix Edge sight and enables the administrator to collect, monitor, and report server resource metrics to estimate servers required to deploy a XenApp farm or to analyze the load of production servers. This feature requires a Platinum license.
Citrix Edge Sight is a performance and availability management solution. In XenApp environments, it is used to monitor:
• License usage
• XenApp server performance and availability
• Published application performance and availability EdgeSight for XenApp provides visibility into the following key areas:
• Farm-wide monitoring, including a tree view of the entire farm structure, visual detection of farm and subfolder errors and visual flags for devices with alerts.
• Server availability, health check and session reliability monitoring
• Suite Monitoring and Alerting (SMA) log entries and alerting
• Extended end-user experience monitoring (EUEM) of the full set of ICA channels, providing a granular view of the environment Active Application Monitoring (AAM) allows for the establishment of configurable service level agreements (SLAs). An administrator can synthesize user tasks and monitor their execution time while EdgeSight provides feedback on application performance and availability based on the user experience. When SLA violations occur, real-time alerts containing diagnostic information can be triggered for the administrator’s review and action.


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