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Private Cloud

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So you want your business critical applications and data feeling safe and comfortable at home, but still relish the joys of cloud computing?

We can deliver a hosted ‘private’ cloud that covers your infrastructure, applications, management, and security. A Private or an Enterprise Cloud offers all the advantages of a Cloud-based model with the added advantage of single-tenancy. This means you get a single dedicated private environment for your infrastructure that is hosted on our premises.

Here’s what you get in a private cloud

So you want your business critical applications and data feeling safe and comfortable at home, but still relish the joys of cloud computing?

We can deliver a hosted ‘private’ cloud that covers your infrastructure, applications, management, and security. A Private or an Enterprise Cloud offers all the advantages of a Cloud-based model with the added advantage of single-tenancy. This means you get a single dedicated private environment for your infrastructure that is hosted on our premises.


A complete consolidated layer of control over every aspect of your IT. You just log into a web console and start allocating resources on-the-go.
You get to fully monitor and track usage of your systems. This means you can save costs by ensuring optimal use of IT resources.
Your IT department gets complete control over resources without having to bother managing and troubleshooting infrastructure related problems.
You get the unbeatable support and comfort that every Netmagic customer has come to rely upon over the last decade of our existence.Our private cloud implementation ensures a secure environment through physical and network separation. This will go a long way in supporting your security and compliance efforts with PCI and HIPPA standards.
 You can quickly deploy new blocks of capacity and computing power without capital investment in physical infrastructure. Now that’s a great way to compete in a dynamic business environment and save costs at the same time.