- Which all Citrix products you are working on?
- What are your job roles and responsibilities?
- what is fma and ima
- what are the new features in 7.x
- what are the lastest versions u have worked
- citrix important port numbers
- citrix enumertation process
- citrix catalogs and delivery groups differences
- how to troubleshoot citrix desktop vda unregistered issues
- how to troubleshoot if desktops are not delivered
- unknown power status issues how to troubleshoot
- tell me about ur infrasture
- what is the major issue you have faced ? how troubleshooted
- tell about ur team size
- Enumertation process from Netscaler
- how to update vdisk
- What are Citrix Group Policies, and how are they used?
- pvs boot process
- What are Citrix Group Policies, and how are they used?Tell me some of the Important polices
- pvs vs mcs. Adv and dis advantages of PVS and MCS
- What are common issues with Citrix printing, and how do you troubleshoot them?
- Explain how Machine Creation Services (MCS) and Provisioning Services (PVS) work.
- how to troubleshoot if vdisk is not booting
- pvs vdisk performance is slow how to troubleshoot
- citrix xd is taking so much time how to troubleshoot
- citrix pvs service names
- citrix virtual apps and desktop service names
- What is HDX technology in Citrix?
- what is LHC ? and Connection leasing
- Describe a challenging issue you faced in a Citrix environment and how you resolved it.
- rdp vs ica
- what are the citrix polices used in citrix
- what are the profile management solutions used
- You need to upgrade your Citrix environment to a new version. What is your approach?
- How do you manage licensing in Citrix environments?
- How do you handle patch management and updates in a Citrix environment?
- How do you handle profile corruption issues in a Citrix environment?
- Explain the concept of Load Balancing in Citrix and how it is implemented.
- What all configuration you need to make for a TD to boot from a vDisk image?
- In PVS, suppose the TD is rebooting frequently, how will you troubleshoot?
- In PVS, when a TD reboots, what are things happening in the background?
- Are you aware of STA?What is STA?
- Have you ever had to mentor junior engineers in Citrix technologies? How did you approach it?
- Describe the process and best practices for upgrading a Citrix environment from an older version to the latest version.
- In XenApp, say many users are facing problems of accessing the application. When they click on
- the icon, they see the “Protocol Driver Error”. What is the cause of the problem? How will you troubleshoot?
- Say users are facing some problems because of a XenApp server. How will you find out which server has the problem?
- In Licensing, suppose a user is accessing an application, how does the licensing procedure
- happens in the background? Through which port the user license is checked?
- If there is a licensing problem, what value of farm-load will you see?
- What is the importance of Zone?
- Say you have 100 XenApp Servers in different geographical locations. How will you direct users
- to the XenApp servers closest to their current location?
- What is session sharing? How will you do it?
- Say a user has a session running in 1 device. Can he run another session simultaneously from
- another device?
- Say a user has 2 applications hosted from 2 different XA servers. Will they have same or
- different Session IDs?
- How will you know that there is an IMA issue if applications are not delivering?
- If IMA has not started, what value of farm-load will you see?
- Do you have work experience on NetScaler?